Social Events


Andrew Marvell Lodge held its annual Charity Night on 28th March 2022 at Beverley Road Masonic Hall. After a  6.30 pm meeting Lodge members met up with guests downstairs in the bar area before three local charities were invited to make presentations in the dining room on their activities.


Links to the named Charities can be found on the Charity Page along with a report on the event.





The Worshipful Master gave a talk on "My life and times in Freemasonry" to members of Hull Alpha Probus Club  at the Blue Bell in Cottingham on Thursday 21st April. The talk followed the 1.00 pm lunch.


It was through Holderness Probus Club, the predecessor of Hull Alpha Probus Club, which used to meet at the Pearson Park Hotel in Hull, that the Worshipful Master Malcolm Forbes was invited to join De La Pole Lodge in November 2013. 


His talk was intended to publicise Freemasonry and highlight the work it does.