Wednesday 14th December 2022:
Visit to Minerva Lodge 250
I attended the Lodge meeting of Minerva Lodge at the invitation of Bro Tom Cawkwell, the Secretary of Minerva Lodge, who will become a joining member of Andrew Marvell Lodge in January 2023.
I was warmly welcomed by Lodge Brethren.
The Lodge meeting was opened by Worshipful Master W Bro David Green. Representing the Provincial Grand Master was W Bro Eddie Wildman, who was introduced by his DC W Bro Marcus Whereat, a member of Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge 9611 and the recently installed Worshipful Master of Kingston Lodge 1010.
A Masonic tribute was paid to recently deceased W Bro Ron Thornton, a former WM of the Lodge.
The highlight of the meeting was the passing of Bro Philip Holtby to the degree of a Fellow Craft. Bro Holtby answered his questions with assurance. The whole ceremony was conducted with authority and panache. Bro Cawkwell delivered the Secrets. The Chaplain Bro Jordan Burn gave a faultless presentation of the second degree Tracing Board. Bro Kurt Crawford delivered an impeccable presentation of the Five Noble Orders of Architecture. The extended ceremony was a tour de force.
I gave greetings on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge and stood when W Bro Alan Todd gave greetings on behalf of Humber Lodge 57.
The Festive Board was well attended. There were non-Masonic guests present I sat alongside W Bro Chris Brown, the acting Lodge DC on the night, and opposite W Bro Todd and Bro Cawkwell. The Christmas meal was joyfully received. Two toasts were submitted. W Bro Wildman in his response on behalf of the PGM added to the festivities with his usual flair and humour.
It proved to be a most enjoyable evening in such a fraternal atmosphere.
Malcolm Forbes - WM
The Lodge held its Christmas meeting and seasonal dinner starting at 6.30 p.m.
Because of problems with the heating system the Lodge meeting was held in the small Lodge room. Due to absences W Bro Barry Kensett stood in as Senior Warden and Grand Lodge Officer W Bro Eddie Wildman stood in as Inner Guard. In attenance was visitor W Bro Mike Price, the Immediate Past Master of Kingston Lodge 1010.
The meeting was short: a successful ballot took place for Ian Walker to be admitted as a member of the Lodge.
Short Lodge reports were delivered.
W Bro Chris LeFevre was confirmed as the WM elect. W Bro Colin Shields was re-elected as Lodge Treasurer.
The meeting also voted upon the composition of the Lodge Committee.
The meeting was duly closed at 7.05 pm.
Guests, both Masonic and non-Masonic were waiting downstairs. Everyone was able to socialise before being called in for the meal at 7,30 pm. Twenty-five people attended the dinner.
The toast to the King and the Craft was submitted prior to the meal. A traditional Christmas dinner was enjoyed by all.
The entertainment was provided by magician Mazani who performed magic tricks during the meal at the four tables diners were sitting at as well as after the meal. Audience participation was a feature of his act as volunteers were asked to take part in his tricks. The audience appreciated his sleight of hand and humour.
As people departed into the cold of a winter's night they had been warmly fed and entertained.
[Photograph of Mazani by Eddie Wildman]
Malcolm Forbes - WM
I visited Kingston Lodge for their Installation meeting which started at 6.0 p.m.
I took my seat in the main body of the Lodge room between W Bro Martin Tomkins, the WM of Lord Bolton Lodge 63 and W Bro Peter Stokes, the WM of the Lodge of St Michael 7833.
The meeting was opened by Worshipful Master W Bro Mike Price. In attendance were Grand Lodge Officers W Bro Derek Broderick and W Bro Eddie Wildman.
Representing the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master was W Bro David Burnett. His DC was W Bro Tony Calvert.
The Installation ceremony was well handled by Lodge DC. W Bro Marcus Whereat, who had been WM of the Lodge in 2016, succeeded W Bro Price as WM. W Bro Booth delivered the address to the Master and W Bro Wildman delivered the address to the Wardens. The ceremony was delivered with warmth and panache.
I gave greetings on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge. I stood as W Bro Wildman gave greetings on behalf of Humber Lodge 57 and when W Bro Jimmie Kerr gave greetings on behalf of De La Pole Lodge 1605.
In addition to the Lodge Brethren, nine visitors from eight Lodges dined at the Festive Board. A succulent three course Festive meal was provided. A full toast list of ten toasts was delivered. W Bro David Burnett sang the Master's Song. It was clear that W Bro Whereat will continue to build upon the hard work of his predecessor W Bro Price, who had been in the Chair for three years. It is hoped that the Lodge will continue to find candidates to take the Lodge forward.
The parting toast was delivered at 10,30 p.m. All those who attended the Installation and Festive Board enjoyed the ceremony and company.
[Photograph of Tony Calvert, David Burnett, Marcus Whereat and Mike Price by Peter Stokes.]
Malcolm Forbes -WM
I visited Pelham Pillar Lodge in Grimsby as a member of party of four Brethren from Humber Lodge 57. I was honoured to give a lift to two Grand Lodge Officers, W Bro Eddie Wildman and W Bro Richard Smedley. W Bro Craig Maurier made up the quartet.
The Lodge building is a modern complex with state of the art facilities.
The Lodge meeting was duly opened at 6.0 p.m. The main business of the meeting was to pass Bro David Neaves.
It was a most accomplished ceremony with the Lodge Officers performing their ritual to high standards.
Although I was representing Humber Lodge on the night, I did of course give greetings on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge.
Following the Lodge meeting Brethren met up with their ladies, partners and friends to enjoy a drink before making their way to the dining room for a traditional Christmas dinner. As non-Masons were present it was not a traditional Festive Board. I had the pleasure of sitting opposite my three colleagues from Humber Lodge as well as sitting alongside Bro Neaves. A couple of entered apprentices sat next to Bro Neaves.
The revelry included the singing of Christmas carols which were led by W Bro Smedley and W Bro Wildman, who were both in fine form.
The long association between Pelham Pillar Lodge and Humber Lodge was highlighted in an exchange between the Worshipful Master and W Bro Smedley. Each time one Lodge visits the other a symbolic 26 guineas is handed over to the other as the sum that was needed to pay for the original warrant of Pelham Pillar Lodge in 1847. W Bro Smedley duly collected the money for it to be returned to Pelham Pillar Lodge at Humber Lodge's Founders Night meeting in May 2023.
A raffle took place for the benefit of local schools. i was lucky to win a bottle of cabinet sauvignon.
All those present enjoyed the evening. We were all made to feel most welcome. May the long association with Pelham Pillar Lodge continue.
[Photograph of Bro Neaves sandwiched between the Officers of UGLE by Craig Maurier.]
Malcolm Forbes - WM
Attendance at Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642
As Worshipful Master I arrived early to welcome Lodge Brethren and visitors to the Lodge meeting. There were four visitors, who were later to give greetings, Grand Lodge Officer W Bro Eddie Wildman, although an honourary member of Andrew Marvell Lodge, was to give greetings on behalf of Humber Lodge 57. The guest speaker, W Bro Barry Longstaff, a member of the Lodge of Established Order 9822 in the Masonic Province of Lincolnshire; the Worshipful Master of Technical Lodge 5666, W Bro Danny Laughton; and Bro Ian Montgomery, a member of the Lodge of St Andrew 4683 were also visitors.
The Lodge meeting opened at 6.30 p.m. Following the opening and reading of a portion of the Ancient Charges and a relevant bye-law a joint ballot for joining membership was held in respect of W Bro Mike Potts, the WM of Humber Lodge 57, and Bro Tom Cawkwell, the Secretary of Minerva Lodge 250, to become members of the Lodge. The ballot proved successful.
Subsequently a proposal to increase the annual Lodge subscription to £160 was passed. A proposal to reduce the number of annual Lodge meetings from nine to eight was deferred for reconsideration by the Lodge Committee.
The highlight of the meeting was to receive an illustrated talk from W Bro Longstaff on the Atholl Legacy in relation to the Antients and Moderns. It was a most informative talk which everyone in attendance found enlightening. The Worshipful Master thanked W Bro Longstaff for the depth and breadth of his talk.
After the talk Lodge reports were delivered.
After the risings and greetings, the Worsipful Master proposed Ian Walker as a candidate to become a member of the Lodge. The proposition was seconded by Treasurer W Bro Colin Shields.
The Lodge meeting was then duly closed.
The Festive Board was attended by thirteen diners. The two course meal of fish and chips followed by dessert was scrumptious. Two toasts were given. The raffle and the Lodge's Fifty Club draw proved particularly successful for the Worshipful Master as he won a prize in both draws.
In his parish notes the Worshipful Master thanked everyone for their contribution to a successful evening.
[Photograph of W Bro Barry Longstaff in casual mode.]
Malcolm Forbes - WM
Following my visit to the Humber Lodge LOI Open Night on 21st November, I attended Constitutional Lodge's LOI Open Night in the company of W Bro Eddie Wildman, Grand Lodge Officer and Immediate Past Master of Humber Lodge 57. Over twenty Constitutional Lodge Brethren and another visitor, W Bro Roger Lewis, a member of Beverlonian Lodge 9084, attended the Lodge meeting and Festive Board.
Bro Mike Noble took the Chair as Worshipful Master of the LOI Lodge. Current Worshipful Master W Bro Travis Plumridge acted as the candidate in a first degree initiation ceremony. Due to W Bro Plumridge's limited mobility perambulation around the Lodge room was reduced.
Bro Noble is a superb ritualist and his team of Officers also gave a virtuoso ritual performance. Bro Sam Adkins, the Senior Warden, was able to provide a faultless address at the North-East corner at 24 hours notice. The overall performance was worthy of a wider audience. Due praise was conferred on the Lecture Master W Bro Keith Charlesworth for the excellence of the ritual. The Lodge was also able to show its care, compassion and respect for W Bro Plumridge,
As a member of Constitutional Lodge I did not give greetings on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge. I saluted the WM when W Bro Eddie Wildman gave greetings on behalf of Humber Lodge.
The Festive Board provided outstanding value with the four course meal costing only £10. A full toast list was delivered. Both Bro Noble and W Bro Plumridge responded to their respective toasts. No response to the visitors toast was solicited.
Throughout the evening W Bro Eddie Wildman's musical accompaniment embellished the proceedings.
Constitutional Lodge is ensured of a fine year when Bro Noble takes the Chair at the Installation in January 2023. The Lodge is in safe hands.
[Photograph of Sam Adkins, SW, Mike Noble, WM and Karl Douglas, JW by Eddie Wildman]
Malcolm Forbes - WM
I attended the Lodge's Installation meeting which started at 6.0 p.m.
The Lodge meeting was opened by the outgoing Worshipful Master W Bro Ian Storey. W Bro David Johnstone as representative of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master was welcomed into the meeting. Grand Lodge Officers W Bro Mike Graham and W Bro Eddie Wildman were in attendance. I sat alongside Bro Charles Alexander, the WM elect of Humber Lodge 57, and W Bro Peter Stokes, the WM of the Lodge of St Michael 7833.
Bro Mark Luscombe was installed as Worshipful Master into the chair of King Solomon. His installation and the Installation of his Officers was ably conducted by DC W Bro John Plater. All the ritualists performed admirably.
There were propositions for two candidates to join the Lodge. There was also a proposition on behalf of a would-be rejoining member of the Lodge.
It was good to see a healthy attendance of Brethren and visitors. The visitors greetings bestowed fulsome praise on the Installation. I was pleased to give greetings on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge and stood as Bro Alexander gave greetings on behalf of Humber Lodge.
The Festive Board was most enjoyable. I enjoyed good conversation around the table and also the quality of the three course meal. Ten toasts were delivered. In the address to WM Luscombe recognition was given to his all-round commitment to the Lodge. Similarly in the address to past WM Storey gratitude was expressed to the hard work he had put in in his year in the Chair.
I was pleased to win a raffle prize.
The parting toast was delivered at 10.30 p.m. The Installation had been an evening to remember.
[Photograph of Mark Luscomb by Peter Stokes]
Malcolm Forbes - WM
Visit to Denison Lodge 1248
Courtesy of W Bro Chris Harland, the Secretary of Denison Lodge, who gave me a lift to the Lodge in Scarborough, I enjoyed a visit in the company of Bro Stuart Richardson, who was initiated into Andrew Marvell Lodge earlier this year (scroll down to 23rd May 2022.)
The daylight Lodge tyled (opened) at 10.30 a.m. The Lodge meeting was an extra meeting held at the dispensation of the Provincial Grand Master. The PGM, W Bro David Chambers, and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W Bro Johnathan Mark Mitchell Smith, as members of the Lodge, were in attendance. Grand Lodge Officer W Bro Phil Harrison also sat on the dais.
The meeting was opened by Worshipful Master W Bro Kevin Debenham. The main business of the meeting was to initiatiate two candidates. It was the first time that Bro Richardson had seen another initiation, this time a double initiation. The ceremony flowed well. Each candidate took their obligation separately. The ritual was performed to a high standard.
As the meeting was held at the dispensation of the PGM to conduct the double initiation no Lodge reports were delivered and there were no risings nor greetings.
The meeting closed at 12.30 p.m. Lodge Brethren and visitors adjourned to the bar until the Festive Board at 1.0 p.m. The two initiates Bro Kay and Bro Bartle took their seats at the top table. A two course meal was served with a choice of wines. A full toast list was presented.
At the request of the Director of Ceremonies, W Bro Tom Tomlinson, who was sat next to me, I gave the visitors response and thanked everyone for their warm welcome, hospitality and professionalism. It was the third time I had visited Denison Lodge so I did feel I was amongst friends.
There was a raffle which raised money for the Almoner's Fund.
Both Bro Richardson and myself thoroughouly enjoyed the day out.
[Photograph by Chris Harland: the WM between the two new Entered Apprentices.]
Malcolm Forbes - WM
Attendance at De La Pole Lodge 1605
I attended my mother Lodge for its last Lodge meeting before Christmas. As always there was a healthy attendance of Lodge Brethren and visitors with over thirty Brethren present.
The meeting was opened by Worshipful Master W Bro Phil Cowing. Grand Lodge Officer W Bro Eddie Wildman was duly acclaimed.
As the meeting was held on Armistice Day and in anticipation of Remembrance Sunday a wreath was laid at the foot of the pedestal in front of the Worshipful Master. A period of silence was observed for seven Lodge Brethren who had lost their lives in wartime as their names were read out by Lodge Secretary W Bro Peter Spencer. W Bro Spencer also read out Lodge minites from the corresponding meeting in 1922.
The main business of the meeting was to pass Bro Stephen Laird to the degree of a Fellow Craft. Bro Laird answered his questions with confidence. The Lodge can take pride from the standards of its ceremonies and all the ritualists performed admirably. Due praise was in order for the Lecture Master W Bro Ron Stone.
I stood as W Bro Wildman gave greetings on behalf of Humber Lodge 57.
The Festive Board was a two course meal. Two toasts were delivered. Two raffles were well supported. The first raffle raised money for the Hessle Road Network which helps to provide a foodbank and the second raffle organised by W Bro Mike Steel in support of local children in hospital offered a prize of a large teddy bear.
The de la Pole Lodge will be having its traditional Christmas dinner on 9th December.
As always the Lodge offers fine fare and company.
[Photograph of Steven Laird by Bro Mike Kelly. Note the de la Pole Banner and the images of the terrestrial and celestial globes.]
Malcolm Forbes - WM
Visit to Thesaurus Lodge 3891
It is always a pleasure to visit Thesaurus Lodge and tonight was no exception. I was made especially welcome as the sole visitor. There was a healthy attendance of Lodge members at the Lodge meeting and Festive Board.
At the Lodge meeting I took my seat on the dais alongside W Bro Adrian Hayward, the Chaplain of Thesaurus Lodge and Andrew Marvell Lodge. The Lodge meeting was opened by Worshipful Master Steve Burns. In attendance were Grand Lodge Officers Assistant Provincial Grand Master W Bro Ian Johnson and W Bro Eddie Wildman
The main business of the meeting was to raise Bro Moore. Bro Moore confidently answered the questions put to him. The third degree ceremony was of the highest quality with some outstanding ritual performed. All credit must go to the Director of Ceremonies W Bro David Harrison and the Lecture Master W Bro Richard East
I gave greetings on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge and stood as a fellow Lodge member when W Bro Eddie Wildman gave greetings on behalf of Humber Lodge 57. (Click on the link for the Humber Lodge report on this date.)
After the Lodge meeting's close and before the Festive Board to my surprise Assistant PGM W Bro Ian Johnson invited me to become a joining member of Thesaurus Lodge. W Bro Johnson offered to propose me and W Bro Hayward offered to second my application. I was very pleased to accept the offer.
The Festive Board was most enjoyable. A full toast list was delivered. As the only visitor I gave the response to the toast to the visitors. It was the third time since WM Burns's Installation that I had responded on behalf of the visitors at the Thesaurus Lodge Festive Board so the Lodge had become almost a second home for me.
In his parish notes WM Burns announced that the Lodge would welcome me as a joining member. He also invited me to the Lodge's Christmas meal on 8th December.
The whole evening was thoroughly enjoyable and subject to the usual protocols i look forward to attending as a member of the Lodge when I next attend.
. Malcolm Forbes - WM
Seventeen Brethren attended the monthly Lodge meeting including five visitors.
The Lodge was opened at 6.30 p.m. As WM i welcomed Grand Lodge Officer W Bro Mike Roberts and the other visitors.
The main business of the Lodge meeting was to hear a talk from W Bro Roberts, a member of Old Hymerians Lodge 6885 and Myton Lodge 9808, on the work of the Masonic Charitable Foundation. The talk highlighted the scope of MCF and the good causes which it is able to promote. The talk was both clear and comprehensive. It was well appreciated by the Brethren.
Treasurer W Bro Colin Shields in his Treasurer's report gave notice of motion that an increase in annual Lodge subscriptions would be necessary for 2023. A notice of motion was put forward to reduce the number of Lodge meetings from nine to eight from 2023 by eliminating the annual Christmas Lodge meeting from the calendar.s Lodge Membership Officer I was pleased to propose two possible joining members. A prospective candidate for initiation had met up with W Bro Shields and myself and would be interviewed at the Lodge's next LOI on 14th November.
The Lodge was closed at 8.0 p.m.
The Festive Board was a three course meal which everyone enjoyed. After the main course it was my pleasure as WM to present a cheque for £50 on behalf of the Lodge to chef Luke to provide items for his baby Hayden. Two toasts were delivered. In my parish notes I thanked W Bro Roberts again and all the visitors for their part in making the evening a most enjoyable event.
Malcolm Forbes - WM
Tuesday 18th October 2022:
Visit to St Matthew Lodge 1447
As the guest of the Lodge's Senior Deacon, Bro Nick Lumb, I ventured into the Province of Lincolnshire to visit St Matthew Lodge 1447 in Barton-upon-Humber. I had never been to the Masonic Hall there before and was impressed by the building.
The Lodge tyled (opened) at 6.0 p.m. It was opened by the Worshipful Master Norman Hornsby, whom I had met and sat next to at the Festive Board of Humber Lodge 57 on 11th October 2022.
The main business of the meeting was to enact an initiation ceremony with commentary provided to explain the ritual. Bro Melia, a member of the Lodge, acted as the Candidate. The commentary was most informative and provided a very helpful discourse on the various aspects of the ceremony. The Lodge Officers taking part in the ceremony were highly competent. As it was an enactment it was possible to inject humour into the proceedings.
I gave greetings on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge. Of the four visitors the organist had travelled the furthest as he gave greetings from a Lodge in the Province of Warwickshire.
The Festive Board was indeed a feast with four courses on offer. Excellent service was provided by a team of waitresses. The traditional toast list incorporated references to the Rulers in the Province of Lincolnshire.
I responded on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge to the visitor's toast and received a very warm reception.
The Tyler's toast was given at 10.15 p.m. It had been an excellent evening and it was with a smile that I departed promising to return to the Lodge.
Malcolm Forbes - WM
Thursday 6th October 2022:
Visit to Constitutional Lodge 294
I arrived late for the start of the Lodge meeting at 6.30 p.m. due to being held up in traffic following a road accident.
Tyler W Bro Andrew Nicholson, who had also been held up in the same traffic incident, waited for the appropriate moment for the Inner Guard Bro Hedley Wilson to announce there was a report and on admission to the Lodge I ologised to Worshipful Maste Travis Plumridge for my lateness and took my seat in the Lodge.
The main business of the meeting was to pass Bro Ben Blanchard, who had been initiated on 31st May 2022. It was a well-rehearsed ceremony with everyone rising to the occasion. There were a number of stand-ins due to positive Covid-19 tests and other reasons.
The Almoner's report from W Bro Chris Harland made reference to W Bro Geoff Lee who has been taken poorly.
No visitors were present and as a member of Constitutiional Lodge I did not give greetings on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge.
I was in good company at the Festive Board. Tomato soup was followed by chicken korma and rice and finished off with fruit trifle. Two toasts were delivered. In the absence of Charity Steward W Bro Martin Rowland no raffle was held.
The Lodge provided a most enjoyable night. WM Plumridge with the support of his Brethren made sure that the atmosphere throughout the evening was extremely friendly and accommodating.
Malcolm Forbes - WM
Visit to Kingston Lodge 1010
I was soon made to feel at home when I arrived at Beverley Road Masonic Hall at 6.0 p.m. in time for the Lodge meeting which was due to start at 6.30 p.m. It was good to talk to the Lodge's Provincial Liaison Officer, W Bro David Terry, a fellow member of Humber Lodge 57, and members of Kingston Lodge, whom I also know as fellow members of Myton Lodge 9808.
The Lodge meeting was duly opened by Worshipful Master Michael Price. A period of silence in homage to her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth 2nd was observed.
The Lodge Treasurer W Bro Malcolm Watkinson presented a detailed report of the Lodge's finances. The Lodge accounts were duly adopted.
The Lodge Secretary W Bro Neil Armstrong then presented a lecture on Masonry and the Monarchy. The lecture traced the historical involvement of the British monarchy in Freemasonry over the last 300 years. As W Bro Eddie Wildman said when giving greetings as a Grand Lodge Officer it was one of the best lectures that had been presented to a Masonic audience in terms of its clarity and depth, a view shared by all the Brethren present.
After the lecture, WM Price conducted a full opening and closing in the second and third degrees. It was a credit to the Lodge that the Officers performed their ritual to a high standard.
I gave greetings on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge. W Bro David Terry gave greetings on behalf of Humber Lodge with W Bro Eddie Wildman and myself in support. The other visitor, Bro Nick Lumb, gave greetings on behalf of St Matthew Lodge 1447 in the Province of Lincolnshire.
At the Festive Board I sat next to W Bro Marcus Whereat, the Senior Warden, and W Bro David Terry and opposite to Bro Nick Lumb. The conversation was hearty and entertaining. The full toast list was observed. Bro Nick Lumb responded on behalf of the visitors.
W Bro Whereat , the Lodge Charity Steward, outlined a new form of Festive Board raffle. I missed out on winning the raffle prize of a bottle of whisky by one number.
Bro Lumb invited me to visit St Matthew Lodge in Barton-Upon-Humber for their next Lodge meeting on 18th October, an invitation I was pleased to accept.
It proved to be a most enjoyable visit to a most welcoming Lodge.
[Photograph of Neil Armstrong by Wayne Walker.]
Malcolm Forbes - WM
Visit to Humber Lodge of Installed Masters 2494
I was able to relax in the company of other Worshipful Masters and past WMs as I attended the meeting at Beverley Road Masonic Hall. Before the start of the Lodge meeting at 6.30 p.m. amongst the members I talked to was Adrian Hayward, the Chaplain of Andrew Marvell Lodge.
I took my seat below the dais as Worshipful Master Danny Betts opened the meeting. Past Provincial Grand Master Jeffrey Gillyon and the present deputy Provincial Grand Master Jonathan Mark Mitchell Smith, who were both sitting on the dais, were duly honoured by the Brethren. Grand Lodge Officers Bro Bill Glanville and Bro Eddie Wildman were also afforded their due honour and recognition.
The Worshipful Master requested that the Brethren should observe a period of silence for the late Queen Elizabeth II.
A ballot took place for Bro Kevin Marshall, a member of Minerva Lodge 250, and Bro. Ben Kelly, a member of Holderness Lodge 3563 and De La Pole Lodge 1605, to join the Lodge. The ballot proved clear.
The main business of the meeting was to receive a talk from Bro Craig Maurier on the links between Craft and Chapter Masonry. A well researched and well delivered talk which highlighted the historical relationship between the two was given. The Worshipful Master commented on how informative the talk had been. The Brethren showed their appreciation and admiration for the comprehensive talk.
After the close of the meeting Brethren attending the Festive Board were treated to a meal where all three dishes had an Italian theme which illustrated the dexterity of chef Luke. The Festive Board was jovial. Five toasts from the new toast list were delivered.
A very pleasant evening was had by all and I look forward to the next merry meeting of the Lodge in December.
[Photograph of Craig Maurier by Eddie Wildman]
Malcolm Forbes - WM
Attendance at Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642
The Lodge met for its first meeting since 23rd May after its summer break. Any cobwebs were soon to disappear.
On the way to the meeting I gave a lift to Bro Stuart Richardson, who was initiated in May, and Bro. Ian Montgomery, a member of the Lodge of St Andrew 4683, who is a frequent visitor to Andrew Marvell Lodge.
After the Opening of the Lodge, one minute's silence was observed in remembrance of HM Queen Elizabeth II. The protocol of black ties being worn was also observed.
In relation to correspondence the death of Bro Peter Atkinson, who passed away on 8th June 2022, was respectfully observed. Peter was a fine Mason who will be missed by all.
The highlight of the meeting was to receive a talk from Senior Warden W Bro Chris LeFevre entitled Nautical Tales in which Chris recounted anecdotes of his career as a sub-mariner. Chris was ably assisted by W Bro Richard Green who helped with the technical aids which Chris used in his talk. The Worshipful Master thanked Chris for his talk, which had provided a most interesting insight into life in the submarine service.
Lodge reports then followed. Reference was made by Charity Steward W Bro Andrew Peach to the commendation for Outstanding Service to the Community which the Lodge had received from Provincial Grand Lodge.
Bro Secretary W Bro John Towler informed the Brethren of the invitation which the Lodge has received from Holderness Lodge 3563 to attend a fish and chip supper prepared by chef Luke after both Lodges' LOIs on 10th October.
Four visitors attended the meeting and Worshipful Master Mike Potts gave greetings on behalf of Humber Lodge 57.
The Lodge closed at 8.10 p.m.
The three course Festive Board was attended by 17 diners. After the main course the Worshipful Master was pleased to give the Lodge's congratulations to chef Luke following the birth of his baby son Hayden.
After consultation with Grand Lodge Officer W Bro Eddie Wildman all toasts were delivered. W Bro Potts responded on behalf of the visitors.
The Worshipful Master in his parish notes thanked everyone for an enjoyable night.
Malcolm Forbes
Visit to Myton Lodge 9808
On the way to the Lodge meeting I gave a lift to Bro Stuart Richardson, who had been initiated into Andrew Marvell Lodge on 23rd May 2022. It was Bro Richardson's first visit to another Lodge.
On arrival at Beverley Road Masonic Hall Lodge members and visitors were treated to tea / coffee and biscuits. Conversation abounded as the ladies attending the lunch were able to socialise whilst Lodge Brethren attended to the Lodge meeting , which started at 11.30 a.m.. in the small Lodge room.
The meeting was duly opened by the Worshipful Master W Bro Chris Harland. W Bro Phil Harrison stood in for W Bro Bill Hartley as Secretary.
In a short meeting W Bro Derek Edwards was elected as Worshipful Master of the Lodge to take office in January 2023. I was re-elected as Treasurer.
Two joining members were proposed and seconded. I was happy to act as seconder for both would-be members.
Bro Richardson gave greetings on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge with W Bro Chris LeFevre, the Senior Warden of Andrew Marvell Lodge, who was attending as Provincial Liaison Officer for Myton Lodge, and myself standing up as Bro Richardson gave greetings.
The meeting was duly closed at 12.0 p.m.
34 people attended the Festive Board. The traditional buffet and dessert were well received.
Instead of the traditional post-meal talk diners were treated to an assortment of magic tricks from Masani under the title " How Did He Do That?" The sleight of hand provided rich entertainment for the audience, who appreciated the range of tricks performed. The magic show certainly lived up to its title.
Myton Lodge provided a magical way to enjoy the afternoon.
Malcolm Forbes - WM
Visit to Holderness Lodge 3563
On the day of the State Funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11, Holderness Lodge held its regular Lodge meeting starting at 6.30 p.m. Black ties continued to be worn on the instruction of United Grand Lodge.
I attended the Lodge as a guest of Worshipful Master Rich Tyson. Sat alongside me on the dais was the Worshipful Master of Minerva Lodge 250, W Bro David Green.
The Lodge meeting was duly opened by WM Rich Tyson. A minute's silence in honour of the late Queen was respectfully observed.
The DC, W Bro Paul Greenwood, delivered a eulogy for W Bro Charles Gwiliam, a much respected member of Holderness Lodge.
The main business of the meeting was to pass Bro Andrew Holbrook. The ceremony maintained the high standards associated with Holderness Lodge. All the participants were worthy of praise.
After the passing ceremony, W Bro Eddie Wildman returned to the meeting with the two Entered Apprentices who had sat out the ceremony.
I gave greetings on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge and stood as a member of the Lodge as W Bro Eddie Wildman gave greetings on behalf of Humber Lodge 57.
It was a pleasure to dine at the Festive Board. Chef Luke was summoned from the kitchen to receive congratulations from the WM on the birth of his son, Hayden.
The visitor's toast was delivered with good humour by W Bro Green.
WM Tyson announced that after after the Lodge's next LOI on 10th October the Lodge would be having a fish and chips meal prepared by Luke. On speaking to WM Tyson the invitation to attend the meal was extended to Andrew Marvell Brethren, whose LOI falls on the same night.
The parting toast was delivered at 9.30 p.m. it had a most pleasurable evening.
Malcolm Forbes WM
Visit to Minerva Lodge 250
I arrived at Dagger Lane at 6.0 p.m. in time for the Lodge meeting which started at 6.30 p.m. Before the meeting I was able to talk to W Bro Colin Shields, the Director of Ceremonies and Treasurer of Andrew Marvell Lodge. Both W Bro Shields and myself attended the meeting as guests of Bro Tom Cawkwell, the Secretary of Minerva Lodge 250.
Other visitors I talked to before the Lodge meeting were three fellow members of Constitutional Lodge 294.
The meeting was duly opened by Worshipful Master David Green. Grand Lodge Officer W Bro Eddie Wildman arrived a few minutes late as he had been attending the Quarterly Communication meeting at Grand Lodge in London earlier in the day. On arrival he was able to take his seat at the organ.
The main business of the meeting was to initiate Philip Holtby. The ceremony was conducted purposefully and professionally.The visitors who gave greetings all commended its excellence.
After the initiation ceremony W Bro Wildman presented three Grand Lodge certificates to newly raised Brethren. W Bro Wildman delivered the presentation with his usual Masonic flair.
I gave greetings on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge. I also stood as greetings were given on behalf of Humber Lodge 57 and Constitutional Lodge.294.
At the Festive Board I sat alongside Bro Cawkwell. I also had the pleasure of sitting opposite my three fellow Brethren from Constitutional Lodge. The three course meal was substantial.
The new toast list was in operation. Brethren sang God Save the King after the first toast. The Entered Apprentice song was sung and Bro Holtby responded to his toast with confidence.
Altogether the evening was most enjoyable. After the Festive Board I thanked WM Green for the welcome I had received.
[Photograph of Bro Phil Holtby by Eddie Wildman]
Malcolm Forbes WM
Visit to Humber Lodge 57
I arrived at Dagger Lane Masonic Hall at 6.0 p.m. in time for the Lodge meeting at 6.30 p.m.
In keeping with instructions from Grand Lodge black ties were worn in respect to the passing of Her Majesty on 8th September. A period of silence was duly observed at the start of the Lodge meeting.
The Lodge meeting was duly opened by Worshipful Master Mike Potts. I stood in as Junior Deacon.Brother Charles Alexander stood in as Senior Warden.
The main business of the meeting was to raise Bro Jack Thundercliffe. Senior Deacon Bro Craig Fish took centre stage in accompanying Bro Thundercliffe around the Lodge Room .The ritualists performed well and I felt comfortable supporting Bro Thundercliffe as Junior Deacon.
Following the raising ceremony Lodge reports were delivered.
There were no visitors. As a member of Humber Lodge I did not give greetings on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge.
The Festive Board consisted of a two course meal. The new toast list was in operation and after toasting the King the Brethren sang God Save the King. The alms collection at the end of the Lodge meeting raised £13.40 and the raffle raised £54. I was lucky enough to win a bottle of whisky which was donated to Connaught Court.
Although the attendance was relatively low it was nonetheless a most enjoyable evening in the traditions of Humber Lodge. The mix of the dignity of the evening and the social enjoyment of the evening was well maintained.
[Photograph of Mike Potts and MM Jack Thundercliffe by Eddie Wildman]
Malcolm Forbes WM
Friday 9th September 2022:
Visit to De La Pole Lodge 1605
I arrived at Beverley Road Masonic Hall for 5.30 p.m. in time to help to set up the dining room for the Festive Board and also to attend a short meeting to discuss the arrangements for the De La Pole Race Night which is being held on 7th October.
As instructed the Brethren wore black ties to respect the sad passing of the Sovereign, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the day before. A period of silence was observed at the start of the Lodge meeting. Although it was a sombre occasion the Lodge proceeded to conduct its annual business meeting.
Worshipful Master Ben Kelly was able to announce his successor as WM, Worshipful Brother Phil Cowing as the Lodge's next Worshipful Master. Brother Joh Hender was duly re-appointed as Lodge Treasurer and Worshipful Brother Dave Duffill was approved as Tyler.
Bro Hender outlined the financial issues facing the Lodge but was pleased to announce that the Lodge's annual subscription remained the same.
Worshipful Brother Eddie Wildman, the Lodge's only visitor, presented a Grand Lodge certificate to Bro Mike Kelly. Worshipful Brother Russ Garbutt delivered a presentation to Brother Kelly on Royal Arch Chapter Masonry.
W Bro Wildman explained the significance of the three great emblematic lights of Freemasonry when responding on behalf of Grand Lodge.
The Festive Board which was well attended provided a choice of three curries with accompanying side dishes. and a dessert. A new toast list was observed with the first toast being to the new King, Charles III. The national anthem God Save the King was sung. Altogether five toasts were given. The raffle raised money for the Hull Sea Cadets.
The Lodge meeting and Festive Board observed due solemnity in respect of the death of Queen Elizabeth II but at the same time it was possible to enjoy the fraternity of the Lodge throughout the evening.
Malcolm Forbes WM 5642
Today marks the death of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the UK’s longest reigning monarch, who passed away peacefully aged ninety-six after seventy years of service to the country and the Commonwealth. She is succeeded by her eldest son, now King Charles III, who released a statement saying “We mourn profoundly the passing of a cherished Sovereign and a much-loved Mother. I know her loss will be deeply felt throughout the country, the Realms and the Commonwealth, and by countless people around the world.”
Visit to De La Pole Lodge 1605
On an extremely warm and sultry night De La Pole Lodge met after its July summer break for its first meeting since 10th June.
As Lodge Almoner I gave a lift to Worshipful Brother John Taylor, who had been unwell of late following a series of falls at home. It was a special night for John as the night represented the 35th anniversary of his initiation into De La Pole Lodge.
The main business of the Lodge meeting was to raise Brother Mike Kelly, the youngest brother of Worshipful Master Ben Kelly. The ceremony was conducted to the usual high standards associated with De La Pole Lodge. There were a number of stand-ins with W Bro Les Sugarman acting as Immediate Past Master and Chaplain, W Bro Peter Robson acting as Junior Warden, W Bro Mike Bastiman acting as Senior Deacon, and W Bro Ray Platten acting as Junior Deacon. W Bro James Ashby-Kelly, Andrew Marvell Lodge's Provincial Liaison Officer, stood in as ADC. Bro John Holmes accompanied the two Entered Apprentices downstairs during the ceremony.
The ceremony warranted the high praise from the good number of visitors when greetings were given.
W Bro Kelly reminded the Brethren that the 150th anniversary of the foundation of the Lodge is due in 2026 and that planning for the milestone will need to be in place with the setting up of a committee to commemorate the anniversary a priority.
The Festive Board was well attended. A two course meal of chicken salad and cheese and biscuits was very well received. I was able to relax as Senior Warden and dining steward, Bro Ian Fuller, the Junior Warden of Andrew Marvell Lodge, collected the meal money, relieving me of the task which I had previously undertook. Only two toasts were delivered. The raffle for Connaught Court raised £150.
Everyone enjoyed the evening. As always there was plenty of fun and good company.
[Photograph of Mike Kelly by Paul Marshall.]
Malcolm Forbes WM 5642
W Bro Colin Shields visits the Lodge of St Andrew
It was a warm night at Beverley Road when I visited the Lodge of St Andrew 4683 but there were plenty of visitors - mainly from the Minerva Lodge 250 which meets on the same night as St Andrew, except in August, but the Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 was represented by Eddie Wildman and myself. One visitor had recently arrived from America - Bro Brian Clince who was considering educational possibilities in South Hunsley.
The lecture that evening, "The Clashing of Swords - a first-hand account of an initiation and Festive Board in 1743" was by W Bro Geoffrey Toulmin. The following is taken from the Humber website blog:
It was a précis and commentary on a 1743 exposé by Thomas Wilson, a soldier and Freemason, who describing his initiation ceremony, considered it to be an expensive con, though he had subsequently visited extensively in France and England. His account was personal, remarking how he had been scared by the drawn swords and the shouts of "Huzzah!" while he was in darkness, and deploring the costs encountered. Brother Thomas never felt he had discovered the real worth of the Craft, apparently. It was interesting to note similarities and differences between the Fraternity then and now, and W Bro Toulmin pointed some of them out; the positioning of the WM in the East at the corner of a square, for example, so that both Wardens were in the West with respect to the Master. He mentioned calling off the Lodge for refreshment (much alcohol was consumed) the chalk and charcoal illustrations on the tavern room floor, and their erasure afterwards, and the use of firing glasses.
The Festive Board was as good as always: despite the warm weather: the spicy roasted red pepper and tomato soup was delicious. The WM, W Bro Matthew Owen delivered the regular five toasts in fine form: the first time the new toast list was used in the Lodge of St Andrew (and it will change again after the installation of the new Pro Grand Master next month.) W Bro David Green, WM of the Minerva Lodge, ably responded to the SW's toast to the visitors.
It had been a very satisfying evening: thank you, Lodge of St Andrew!
[Photograph of W Bro Paul Ralph in eighteenth century garb at Ye Olde White Hart by Eddie Wildman.]
W Bro Colin Shields, visitor
Special Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge: notes by Eddie Wildman
W Bro Bill Burnett is one of Humber Lodge's United Grand Lodge Officers, and he'd offered to take me to York for the Installation of VW Bro David Chambers as Provincial Grand Master and later as the Grand Superintendent in and over Yorkshire North and East Ridings. The opportunity to attend such a prestigious occasion in such illustrious company was compelling and I gratefully agreed. I'm sure the neighbours were peeping from behind their curtains as the gleaming polished Range Rover Vogue purred to a stop outside my humble house, wondering at the morning suit and Masonic case in my hand.
The journey was without incident and we swapped stories about swimming instructing and education, about friends amongst the Brethren and about Freemasonry in general. I was saddened to hear of the recent sudden death of RW John Anderson, which had come as a shock: "There were a few of us enjoying a meal with him only a week or so ago," said Bill, "and he was in good form."
The University of York at Fulford was well policed by Provincial Grand Stewards, who very efficiently directed us to a parking spot and told us where to go. We were in good time, and greeted many friends as we made our way to the Central Hall to change into our regalia.
RW Bro Jeffrey Gillyon had announced his intention to retire as the Provincial Grand Master (see 14th May on the Humber Lodge blog page) and Very Worshipful Dr David Chambers, who had been the Deputy Provincial Grand Master in Charge in the interim, was taking over the post this morning. The hall, while not full to capacity, was pleasantly well attended, including Andrew Marvell Lodge's Senior Warden, W Bro Christopher B Lefevre, ProvSGD, who as an active Provincial Officer was part of the escort bringing in the Deputy Grand Master Designate, W Bro Jonathan Mark Mitchell Smith to be invested. Bill and I sat amongst the glitter of Grand Lodge Officers present.
We were joined by W Bro John Davies, who, like Bill, as a retired Provincial DC was casting a critical eye over the proceedings, The unexpected demise of his friend Richard Anderson precluded him from staying for the afternoon session - Mrs Anderson was still in shock. John said that I could have his lunch, which was very kind of him. "Table Twenty-three," John told me, "at the same table as Bill."
I am sure there will be plethora of photographs and official accounts of the proceedings by email over the coming weeks, so I'll not dilate at length, but the dignity and superb choreography of the Grand Lodge Team was very impressive. This, and the afternoon session, we were told, were to be the last investitures performed by the Pro Grand Master, MW Bro Peter Geoffrey Lowndes.
Let me digress for a moment to explain the term "Pro Grand Master". As the Grand Master is a member of the Royal Family, he has appointed a Pro Grand Master to be his principal Masonic Advisor, and to act for him on occasions when he is unable to be present due to Royal engagements.
W Bro Denis Raymond Stubley, Assistant Provincial Grand Master entered in Procession with the Active Officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge and was saluted with five, after which the MW Pro Grand Master and the visiting Officers of Grand Lodge were received.
The Pro Grand Master was saluted with eleven after which he explained the object of the meeting. A deputation was formed, and the Provincial Grand Master Designate was escorted in, and addressed by the Pro Grand Master. "Dr David Chambers is not a Yorkshireman," he said whilst mentioning David's many talents, "but you will treat him as one of your own." After Dr David Chambers had taken his obligation, he was invested by the MW Pro Grand Master, who relinquished the Chair. I managed to take a picture of the unoccupied seat beforehand.
The new RWPGM appointed and invested W Bro Jonathan Smith as his Deputy before reappointing his Assistant Provincial Grand Masters and confirming the appointments of the other Provincial Grand Officers. He spoke about Freemasonry in the Province, stating "Enjoyment is the touchstone of what we are about."
I enjoyed lunch - the more so because it had been unexpected. The table was wobbly, however - one of the Brethren remarked that if a table or stool has three legs, it won't wobble - why, then do people insist on putting four legs on tables? I was going to say something about one at each corner when I realised the tables were round. I kept my mouth shut,
The MW Pro Grand Master presented a gift to our new Provincial Grand Master from the Grand Master, HRH the Duke of Kent in the form of a customised gold medallion encased in a lucite cube. "This is a personal gift," he explained, "and not for the Secretary to look after." He went on to explain that it was a very useful paperweight, given the amount of correspondence from the United Grand Lodge of England that would be coming David's way.
The afternoon Convocation was in good time, a little earlier than expected, and E Comp Dr David Chambers PGStB was installed as Grand Superintendent in and over Yorkshire North and East Ridings. E Comp Lefevre was part of the Delagation escort. A fuller report of this may be found on the Humber Chapter Blog page.
It had been a most satisfying day, Bill and I reflected as we made our way back to Hull.
[Photographs of Bill Burnett, James Ashby-Kelly and Jim Kerr, the pedestal and the diners by Eddie Wildman. Photograph of Bill Burnett and Eddie Wildman by Stephen Hastings. Photograph of the Pro Grand Master from Freemasonry Today and photograph of Dr David Chambers from the Provincial website. Photograph of Chris Lefevre by Eddie Wildman.]
Eddie Wildman, Organist for Andrew Marvell Lodge
Minerva Lodge 250 by Colin Shields
Minerva Lodge 250 initiated Mr Josh Smith at the WM's first working night. It was a splendid ceremony, the more so because almost all the ritual was performed by Brethren in light blue. I gave greetings as a member of the Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642, complimenting the WM and his team on their excellent performance.
Brother Smith said at the Festive Board what a surprise it was to see his old maths teacher from school and his old music teacher playing the organ; his proposer and seconder he knew through working with them. The meal was delicious, but I failed to win the raffle!
Pictured here are the WM, W Bro Dave Green, Entered Apprentice Bro Josh Smith and Grand Lodge Officer W Bro Eddie Wildman (both who were Josh's teachers at school.) The photograph is by Bro Kurt Crawford, who gave a flawless rendition of the Address at the North East Corner.
W Bro Colin Shields, visitor
Humber Lodge 57
On a sultry night I attended Humber Lodge. There was the usual pre-meeting camaraderie before the Lodge meeting was opened at 6.30 p.m.
It was good to see Worshipful Master Mike Potts taking the Chair for the meeting. After the opening the Brethren saluted Grand Lodge Officers W Bro Eddie Wildman and W Bro Richard Smedley.
After a portion of the Antient Charges were read out and the minutes of the June Lodge meeting were approved reports were received from the Almoner, Charity Steward and Royal Arch representative.
WM Mike Potts thanked Almoner W Bro David Terry for the personal help he had received and the excellence of his work.
As Charity Steward I highlighted the War of the Roses Cycle Challenge which will be taking place in September and which will involve cyclists, including W Bro Smedley and Bro Andrew Paulls from Humber Lodge, taking part in a 170 miles trip from Morecambe Bay to Bridlington to raise money for prostate and cervical cancer charities. I was pleased to second a proposition put forward by W Bro Ian Syddall that the Lodge should donate £400 in support of the Lodge's two participants in the event. Individual brethren were also encouraged to make donations on the Just Giving website.
I also referenced the Connaught Court annual summer fair which is due to take place on 10th September in the Charity Steward's report.
Under any other business a discussion took place on the format of Lodge Festive Boards and whether they should take place before or after Lodge meetings. It was decided that the matter was best resolved at a future Lodge Committee meeting.
I gave greetings on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642.
The main business of the evening was a Daggards presentation entitled "Hand over Back " a tale of duplicity, dishonour and a dreadful murder given by W Bro Eddie Wildman, W Bro Neil Armstrong, the Secretary of Kingston Lodge 1010 and W Bro Craig Maurier. The presentation took place in the dining room before the Festive Board. It provided a thespian delight as the participants delivered a review of a criminal trial which took place in 1813. As a former lecturer in criminal law I found the legal references most fascinating. WM Mike Potts thanked W Bros Wildman, Armstrong and Maurier for the entertainment they had provided at the conclusion of their presentation.
The Festive Board consisted of two courses, which was sufficient given the warmth of the evening. Two toasts were delivered. The raffle raised £71 to add to the £18.40 which had been taken in the alms collection at the close of the Lodge meeting.
It was a most enjoyable evening with good food, good company and grand entertainment provided by the Daggards.
Malcolm Forbes WM
Constitutional Lodge 294
I attended the regular Lodge meeting as a member of the Lodge in the company of W Bro Eddie Wildman, whom I had arranged to give a lift to Beverley. Luckily we found a parking space on Trinity Lane. We arrived in plenty of time for a 6.30 p.m. start.
Attendance at the Lodge meeting was below the seventeen required for a Festive Board. I was able to mingle with friends old and new before the meeting, particularly a former law student of mine , Bro Mike Menzies-Baird, who completed his law degree at the University of Humberside (now the University of Lincoln) in 1998. Mike is now a practising solicitor in Beverley and it was good to meet him again.
I stood in as Inner Guard for the meeting which was opened by Worshipful Master Travis Plumridge. A ballot took place for a candidate to be initiated into the Lodge which was succssful. The main business of the meeting was to hear a talk from W Bro Terry Wilson entitled 'A Brief History of English Freemasonry, based on a Solomon Paper.' The talk which lasted 35/40 minutes was detailed and provided food for thought. In that regard Tyler W Bro Andrew Nicholson had gone out to fetch the fish and chips from a local fish and chip shop during the meeting so that the food was ready to eat after the meeting closed.
W Bro Eddie Wildman and myself had decided not to partake in fish and chips and instead looked for somewhere to enjoy a meal together. The sun shone on us literally and metaphorically as we decided to dine at Chamas Rodizio Bar and Grill, a Brazilian restaurant, in Wednesday Market Place. The cold buffet was mouthwatering and the selection of meats brought to the table which was carved to one's choice was a gastronome's delight. I must thank W Bro Eddie for his company and generosity throughout the evening.
On the way back to the car we met Bro Phil Gibson, the Lodge Treasurer, who was making his way home. Phil and I had been members of the party from Constitutional Lodge which had paid a visit to the USA in October 2019 to attend Lodges in Washington DC and Boston with which Constitutional Lodge has close historical connections.
It was an enjoyable evening with the added bonus of a memorable meal in excellent company. I look forward to the next meeting of Constitutional Lodge on 1st September.
Malcolm Forbes
Eddie Wildman's comments at the Initiation at the de la Pole Lodge 1605
The de la Pole Lodge 1605 was well attended; there were lots of visitors. I was there as the guest organist, and the ubiquitous Malcolm Forbes was there as a member; indeed his report as Almoner was the longest of the evening despite him telling everybody he had little to say! In compensation, the WM, W Bro Ben Kelly has a rapid delivery - yet the clarity of his words was such that no meaning was lost - and his perfect rendition of both the obligation and the ancient charge was a delight. It was a happy evening. The main business was the initiation of Mr Aaron Sutherland who was conducted round the Lodge by Bro Graham Thornally at a quick march (or perhaps it's just me slowing down.) It was certainly an impressive show for the Ridings Tablers' Lodge, who had turned out in force - there were eight of us, including myself, on a mission - that of collecting the Travelling Gavel.
There were three Officers of the United Grand Lodge of England present:, Jonathan Smith, Pat Cambage and myself. We gathered for a photoshot with Bro Sutherland and the WM. "Eddie, come and stand at the front," said Bro Mike Kelly, wielding his mobile phone camera, "You're so short we won't be able to see you otherwise." Worshipful Brother Jonathan Mark Mitchell Smith smiled patronisingly. "Perhaps if you take the shot from low down it will make him look bigger," he said. I ignored these comments with the contempt they deserved, of course. W Bro Cambage smiled tolerantly.
The Festive Board was a salad - and as the evening was sweltering, this was very welcome. The DC for the evening, W Bro Grahame Leonard Deighton PPJGW continued to maintain the momentum of the meeting upstairs, announcing the formal toasts with swift efficiency.Having stated the intention of claiming the Travelling Gavel Upstairs when Bro Graham Hutchcroft gave greetings on behalf of the Lodge,
The RTL request was renewed during the Visitors' Response and the WM handed over the Humber artefact.
From my seat at the table, I could see our new initiate obviously enjoying himself and I scribbled a quick sketch on the paper tablecloth. "Not very flattering, but a good memento," remarked the SW, Bro Ian Fisher, "I'll tear it off and give it to him." He gave me an evil grin. "Legal proceedings may follow."
It was a splendid evening, and despite the amount of work covered, we were away for ten o' clock. Bro Paul Holland of the RTL carefully placed the Travelling Gavel in its box at the end of the meeting. "Worshipful Master," he said, "I thought you were absent-mindedly about to put that away again. Let me look after it, that's right."
Well done, de la Pole Lodge - and well done, Ridings Tablers!
Eddie Wildman, guest organist
[Photograph of the UGLEs by Bro Mike Kelly, photograph of Paul Holland and Ben Kelly by Bro Steve Walker.]
Impromptu visit to Thesaurus Lodge 3891
After the early close of the Humber Chapter 57 meeting which I briefly attended, I was invited to attend the Thesaurus Lodge 3891 Lodge meeting by W Bro Eddie Wildman, whose place I took at the Festive Board. It was a most gracious offer which I was very pleased to accept. It was a special night as female guests were invited to attend the Festive Board.
The Lodge meeting was opened by Worshipful Master Steve Burns. As he had previously been unable to attend W Bro Nigel Bell was invested as Junior Deacon. A ballot subsequently took place for two joining members. The ballot proved clear.
After the Lodge reports were presented, WM Steve Burns then presented three twenty-five years pins to W Bro Mike East, W Bro David Harrison and Bro Stuart Gamble respectively in recognition of their twenty-five year membership of Thesaurus Lodge.
I gave greetings on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge and stood up to support the greetings given by W Bro Eddie Wildman on behalf of Humber Lodge 57. No other visitors were present.
The short Lodge meeting was duly closed so that the Brethren could meet up downstairs with their guests.
The layout of the Festive Board replicated the Queen's Platinum Jubilee street party celebrations in that the tables were placed so that there were two long lines of chairs on both sides of the long table. I was able to converse with Bro Andy East who was much better after feeling unwell in the Lodge meeting.
A substantial buffet was provided. Two toasts were submitted The party atmosphere was enhanced by the singing of patriotic songs and musical standards as well as popular songs such as Sweet Caroline and We are the Champions. Everyone joined in the festivities. I was pleased to win a raffle prize.
I thanked WM Steve Burns for making me feel very welcome. I hadn't quite gatecrashed the party and did receive an invitation to attend future Thesaurus Lodge Lodge meetings and social events. I left at 9.45 p.m. with the party atmosphere in full swing.
Malcolm Forbes
Visit to Humber Installed Masters 2494
I attended the meeting of Humber Installed Masters at Beverley Road arriving at 6.0 p.m. in plenty of time for the Lodge meeting start time of 6.30 p.m. There were many familiar faces present and it was easy to engage in social interaction before the start of the meeting.
Worshipful Master Danny Betts opened the meeting. In attendance was the Provincial Grand Master Right Worshipful Brother Jeffrey Gillyon who is a member of the Lodge. Brother Chris Lefevre, the Senior Warden of Andrew Marvell Lodge, attended the meeting. Humber Lodge was strongly represented with Bro Terry Fisher as Secretary of Humber Installed Masters, Bro Craig Maurier as its Director of Ceremonies and also Bro Alan Todd.
After a portion of the Ancient Charges had been read out and the minutes of the previous meeting held on 7th February had been approved a ballot took place for myself and Bro David Haynes, a member of Thesaurus Lodge 3981, took place. Whilst outside the Lodge room waiting for the result of the ballot I found out Bro Haynes's sister-in-law lives two doors down from me in Thorngumbald. The result of the ballot which was held conjointly was successful and on re-entering the Lodge room we were both congratulated by WM Danny Betts and presented with the Lodge's by-laws before retaking our seats.
Following the ballot the annual accounts presented by Bro William Glanville were approved.
The main business of the meeting was to hear a talk by Bro Malcolm Sharman on the Queen and his personal reflections on her life and reign. The talk captured the mood of the Platinum Jubilee celebrations which had taken place between 2nd and 6th June and was moving, informative and entertaining. The talk was relatively short but credit to Bro Sharman for encapsulating the debt of gratitude which the nation owes to Her Majesty.
I had to remember not to give greetings on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge as I had become a joining member of Humber Installed Masters
The meeting closed at 7.10 p.m.
The Festive Board provided good cheer. I was in good company and the three course meal was of the usual high standard. Two toasts were given. The PGM did not sit on the top table.
It proved to be a very enjoyable evening. By 8.30 p.m. we bid our farewells and I was home for 9.0 p.m.
Malcolm Forbes
Tuesday 31st May 2022:
Malcolm Forbes is a member of the Constitutional Lodge 294 and rather than write a separate report for the Andrew Marvell Lodge website, asked Eddie, who that evening was the Guest Organist, if he would use the report for Humber Lodge 57 for the Andrew Marvell 5642 website. Here it is.
I spent the last evening of the Month as a guest of the Constitutional Lodge 294, one of the most ancient in the Province, tracing its origins back to 1793, the time of the French Revolution. The meeting was one of peace and harmony; although the Worshipful Master, W Bro Travis Lee Plumridge had very evident health issues and difficulties with mobility, he opened the Lodge promptly in due form. The Wardens (who were responsible for the appearance of the Candidate that evening) were in fine fettle: Brother Sam Adkins (JW) had proposed him, and Bro John Chrystal (SW) had seconded the proposal. Before the initiation ceremony, however, I had the privilege of presenting Bro Adkins with his Grand Lodge Certificate. He is a tall man, and I found myself getting a crick in my neck - I'd have been better standing on the dais so I could speak face to face. He returned to his place well satisfied, I think, and I went back to my seat at the organ.
There was a ballot for a rejoining member - Bro Michael Anthony Noble, who had taken time out during the covid crisis. He was welcomed back with open arms - indeed, he later delivered the Ancient Charge in a faultless performance - but I am getting ahead of myself.
Next, Mr Ben Blanchard was initiated. A hard-working farmer, he looked younger than his thirty-five years, and while he said he was nervous, he was an excellent Candidate, unflustered and obviously taking in what was happening with interest. W Bro Martin John Roland took on the role of Junior Deacon and conducted Mr Blanchard round the Lodge with military precision.
It was a delight to see so many Light Blue Brethren involved and I will not name them all, but the NE Corner (Bro David Brazier), the symbolism of the Working Tools (Bro Sam Adkins) along with the Ancient Charge (Bro Mike Noble) were stunning. The older hands were also magnificent paradigms; there is an enviable high standard in 294!
The sound of the bells of Beverley Minster accompanied the closing as Brother Ben retired to restore himself to his usual conforts. (There are ten bells, in the key of C, but I doubt anybody else at the meeting counted them pealing.)
Reports followed, and a new candidate was proposed and seconded, I gave greetings on behalf of Humber 57, along with W Bro Malcolm Forbes (a member of Constitutional, so it is considered poor form to give greetings on behalf of another Lodge, otherwise I am sure he would have given greetings as WM of the Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642.) There were four visitors. Brother Ben Blanchard, now smartly attired, returned in time to hear the Brethren sing the Closing Ode.
The Festive Board (and the meeting upstairs) were, I am told, enhanced by having an organist present, and the Brethren acquitted themselves well in the Entered Apprentice Song, after which Freemasonry's newest member responded to the toast proposed to him. He seemed thoroughly pleased to be in such excellent company. I asked him if he had much work to do when he returned to his farm. "Well, the lambing's over now," he smiled, "but we'll be sheering soon. We're always busy."
I drove home, looking forward to a nice cool drink of lager to help me write up these notes. It had been a splendid evening.
[Photograph of Bros Ben and Sam by W Bro Gavin Collinson]
Eddie Wildman, guest organist
Saturday 28th May 2022:
Eddie Wildman went to the Beverley Road Joint Building LoI.
I still make mistakes. Although I've been a Freemason for over thirty years I still get things wrong. When I saw the material prepared for the inaugural Joint Building Lodge of Instruction meeting at Beverley Road Masonic Hall I thought to myself "This is Booooring. It will never work." But I was wrong.
"A not-so-brief history of Freemasonry" was the title - my heart sank. And it was from the Solomon website. Don't misunderstand - Solomon is a great research tool, full of interesting articles - some of them are my contributions. It has been expertly developed and expanded largely through the far-sightedness and industry of W Bro Paul Harper and it is excellent reading. But I had understood the purpose of this meeting was to attract younger Freemasons to become more involved with the Craft, wih their Lodges, and to increase their friendships with like-minded Light Blues - and particularly to form a forum for Entered Apprentices and Fellowcrafts to find common interests within Freemasonry. The younger Brethren are the future, of course: if our Fraternity is to go forward we have to accommodate and encourage the newcomers. I was not sure that a presentation from Solomon was the right route.
A great deal of the Solomon website material is better for private reading rather than for being read out aloud - there is a world of difference in the delivery of a topic by an experienced speaker and someone declaiming a somewhat academic essay, though the "nuggets" (Paul Harper's term for short items to provoke interest) are becoming increasingly popular at Lodge meetings.
There were some younger Brethren present- not as many as I had hoped, but my expectations hadn't been high. A Saturday evening in May sunshine was an incitement to BBQ and the Liverpool v Real Madrid Champions League final match was on TV - but I thought I'd show willing. There were a lot of Past Masters there. but, as I said, those young Masons with a genuine desire to learn and to become involved made the exercise worthwhile.
While Mike Cheeseman had done much of the spade work, Barry Longstaff had been asked to put this presentation together only a couple of days before. Bazza had carefully organised it into sections with PowerPoint images and cunningly delegated some of the sections to be read out by the visiting Brethren - focussing, bless him, on the Light Blues present.
There was enough material to give rise to discussion, and this was where it became interesting: people began to ask questions - and suggest answers, and it was evident that even some of the old hands were becoming enlightened, Also, those youngsters present stated that this was what they'd been missing - rehearsal was all very well, but this gathering was looking not so much at what we do, but why we do it. What are the landmarks, exactly? What do the solstices have to do with Masonic meetings? Why is the discussion of religion and politics forbidden?
So I was wrong - and delighted to be wrong! The meeting was a success, and hopefully will be the first of a number of Lodge of Instruction get-togethers. Let me exhort our own newcomers to look out for the next one - which I am sure will be another opportunity for stimulating conversation in good company.
The bad news is that the Liverpool team was beaten 1-0.
Eddie Wildman
Friday 27th May 2022:
Three members of Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 stood to give greetings at the end of the Ridings Tablers' Lodge 9586, Adrian Haywood, Ian Fuller and Eddie Wildman. Eddie is a founder member of the Ridings Tablers' Lodge. Here is his account of the evening.
The summons calling the Brethren to convene at the Masonic Hall, Trinity Lane, Beverley stated that this was the 195th meeting of the Lodge. In a few months, I reflected, we would be celebrating the two-hundredth meeting - somehow it didn't seem like so many, and despite the blip in calculations caused by covid, it doesn't seem twenty-seven years ago when the Lodge was founded. But I am older now, and feeling my age, Time for the younger ones to be taking the Lodge forward, I thought, as I turned on the organ,
In fact, the Lodge has moved on and thankfully the younger Brethren are proving their worth, though there were a number of absences this evening - some because of holidays. And even though the business of the evening was a third degree ceremony, there were four Entered Apprentices in the Lodge Room at the start of the meeting. Tonight they were able to witness what they will later realise was an unusual event.
One valued member of the Ridings Tablers' Lodge 9586 is W Bro Jonathan Mark Mitchell Smith, one of the first initiates into the Lodge. He became a member in 1986, and progressed rapidly through the offices, becoming WM in 2003, going on to receive Provincial and eventually Grand Lodge honours, and becoming a Ruler in the Provincial Chapter. However, it was a surprise to us nonetheless when an announcement from Province told the Masonic world that in July he would become the Deputy Provincial Grand Master.
I confess myself delighted at the news. I was even more delighted to have the honour of marking the occasion at the RTL of presenting him with a star - a move which obviously tickled his sense of humour. He responded in kind - thanking the Lodge for the recognition. (And should anyone be concerned that the photograph was taken during the Lodge meeting - worry not, W Bro Dr Ling Faang Yu, the Senior Deacon, kindly took the picture afterwards.)
There was a report following this brief presentation, and W Bro James Steele entered as the Representive's DC to announce that W Bro Paul Harper stood at the door of the Lodge as the representative that evening of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master. An escort was formed, and W Bro Harper was welcomed onto the Lodge, and he took his place at the right of the Worshipful Master, W Bro Connor Ferguson (probably the youngest Master on the circuit.)
The main business of the evening was to raise Brother Michael Paul Holt to the Third degree. The WM obligated him superbly, the Retrospect was delivered by W Bro Roger Lewis from the Beverlonian Lodge 9084 - with the Sprig of Acacia interpolation intoned by W Bro Barrie Jeffery accompanied by solemn quiet chords on the organ. The Historical Oration and Tracing Board were given by W Bro Wildman and the Working Tools explained by the Senior Warden, Bro Martin Clark. The Charge was rendered superbly by Bro Chris Woodhead, Lodge Secretary, whose precision of elocution is an example to us all.
The Master lowered the Lodge directly from the third to the first degree and the Entered Apprentices were readmitted for the reports and resolutions. Bro Holt returned, now restored to his usual comforts, looking elegant in his new Master Mason's apron.
I did not stay for the festive board, so regrettably missed the comments of W Bro Paul Harper at the Festive Board, but it had been a pleasure to be there that evening - especially with visitors from the Andrew Marvell and De la Pole Lodges who were familiar faces.
[Photo of Eddie & Jono by Ling Yu; photo of Bro Michael Holt by Eddie Wildman.]
Eddie Wildman, Organist
Monday 23rd May 2022:
Last month the Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 initiated a Candidate for Freemasonry; this month, another was initiated - a sign that the Lodge is moving forward after the covid pandemic.
The two Entered Apprentices ("Bookends" one photographer unklndly remarked) in the photoshot have a marked similarity in appearance. The one on the left of the picture is Bro Stuart Richardson, the one on the right is Bro Nigel Henry.
The Worshipful Master processed in to the singing of the Opening Ode to the tune "Innocents" arranged by W H Monk in 1861. The name of the tune refers to the singing of the hymn on the Feast of the Holy Innocents: "Little flowers of Martyrdom" but of course, the words of the Opening Ode are not the same. The use of this tune Masonically is unusual - Andrew Marvell Lodge is the only Lodge I know of that sings it. Some of the Brethren were unble to attend - one had tested positive for covid, and so to keep others safe, he stayed away. W Bro Andrew Peach stood in as Inner Guard and W Bro Barry Kensett stood in as Senior Deacon.
The Worshipful Master, Malcom Forbes opened the Lodge, noting that his Senior Warden, Chris Lefevre, had received Provincial honours last Saturday and the Brethren greeted this with acclamation. The Tyler, W Bro Peter Kenningham was invited in to be invested, then he returned to the Candidate, Mr Stuart Richardson, who was being prepared to be made a Mason that evening.
His confidence in answering the questions put to him drew nods of approval from the Brethren round the room, and the Junior Deacon, Brother Chris Wright, took him through the initial perambulations while the Organist played the tune "Lux benigna" (Lead kindly light.) The music is by Hull-born John Bacchus Dykes, and was composed in 1867. The Worshipful Master obligated Stuart Richardson, after which the ceremony continued. The Address at the North East Corner was given by W Bro Wildman, the Working Tools were explained by the Junior Warden, Bro Ian Fuller, and the Chaplain, W Bro Adrian Hayward delivered the Ancient Charge. Brother Richardson, having given very commendable attention to the ritual, retired to restore himself to his usual comforts,
Reports followed from the Treasurer, Almoner, Chapter Representative and the Charity Steward who was proud to announce the highly commended status the Andrew Marvell Lodge had achieved regarding the Annual Community Engagement Award at the Provincial Convocation in York (see 21st May report below).
Bro Richardson returned after the Mentor's and Lodge Membership Officers's reports. The plethora of reports was offset by the efficiency of the Secretary, W Bro John Towler, who had already emailed all salient correspondance to the Brethren.The Lodge was closed in harmony with the singing of the Closing Ode to the tune "St Sylvester" again by Dykes (1862) and the Brethren retired to the Festive Board below to toast our newly-made Brother with song, including another Dykes favourite, "Melita" following the Junior Warden's toast submitted to the Absent, Sick and Seafaring Brethren.
[Photographs of Bros Richardson, Fuller, Forbes, Lefevre and Henry; and of Bro Richardson with W Bro Forbes by Eddie Wildman.]
Eddie Wildman, Organist
Saturday 21st May 2022:
W Bro Andrew Peach, Past Provincial Junior Grand Warden, is the Charity Steward of Andrew Marvell Lodge. Here is his blog of the Provincial Convocation at York University, quite different in style to Eddie's below, but an excellent account of the Craft meeting. He had gone on a week's holiday following the convocation, but kindly agreed to provide a write-up of the events. Here is his admirable account.
Lakeside Reflections
For the first time for several years the annual convocation of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Yorkshire North and East Riding was held in the Central Hall at York University. For many Brethren this was a welcome return to a tiered auditorium offering excellent visibility with ample space for those attending to spread out and sit with fellow lodge members or, indeed, to sit and have a ‘catch-up’ with Brethren they had not seen recently. The hall is sited in attractive and extensive grounds being at the side of a large lake which is surrounded by contemporary buildings interspaced with walkways and lawns.
Proceedings took their usual format: Provincial Grand Chapter met in the Morning and, after a leisurely lunch, Provincial Grand Lodge met in the afternoon. This report relates to the afternoon meeting.
The following members of the Andrew Marvell Lodge were in attendance: our Senior Warden, W. Bro. Christopher Lefervre; our Honorary Member, W. Bro. Eddie Wildman; and myself.
Due to a miscommunication between the University catering staff and the Provincial Grand Lodge, the meal preceding the afternoon meeting was served an hour late. This resulted in the meeting starting late. However, once underway, the announcement and entrance of distinguished guests together with the opening processions lost none of their lustre and dignity: Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts, who had, for the first time, been invited to attend, were acclaimed with enthusiastic applause.
After domestic business had been completed, the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master introduced an additional Item: the presentation of a fully equipped and badged highspeed motorbike to a rider from the Whiteknights Yorkshire Blood Bike charity; an organisation that provides an all-hours emergency blood transport
service to the NHS. This was the culmination of a project by the Widows Sons Masonic Bikers Association which was strongly supported by Province. As the keys were being handed over, the assembled brethren were able to view by video link the unveiling of the bike outside the Hall.
This was followed by the appointment and promotion of the Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge. To this end, we offer our hearty congratulations to our Senior Warden, W. Bro. Chris Lefervre who, under the aegis of Lord Bolton Lodge 3263 was invested with the collar of the acting rank of Provincial Senior Grand Deacon. I am also delighted to report that, towards the end of the meeting, in announcing the results of the Annual Community Engagement Award, the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master stated that the Andrew Marvell Lodge’s entry was ‘Highly Commended’.
After some adjustments to the running order due to the late start, to the surprise and shock of many, The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master announced his retirement and informed the silent assembly that Very Worshipful Bro. David Chambers would be installed as the new Provincial Grand Master on 30th July. After the silence in which this news was received, David led the members in a rousing chorus of ‘For he’s a jolly good fellow’.
In conjunction with the convocation, Brethren were offered free Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) tests. These were carried out with great efficiency by professional medics. The process was virtually painless and very quick. In the past, the results, which are communicated just a few days after the tests, have undoubtedly saved lives. Prostate cancer is a major cause of death and can affect men of all ages. Brethren should seriously consider taking the test when it is next offered.
Andrew Peach, Charity Steward
Saturday 14th May 2022:
Eddie Wildman attended the annual Convocation of Provincial Chapter and Craft, the latter as a Grand Lodge Officer and as a the webmaster of Humber Lodge 57. As he is an honorary member of the Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642, he has amended his blog notes slightly for this website. The original blog is on
The Convocation at York
It was something of an effort to pull myself out of my pit at 07:00 am, but I had almost everything ready for departure at 07:45. I made a few sandwiches and wrapped them, adding some healthy fruit, and was ready for the Humber Lodge ADC, Brother Charles Alexander when my phone rang precisely at quarter to the hour with the message that he’d arrived and was waiting outside. I checked I had everything: two lots of regalia, jacket and tailcoat, lunchbox, and went to the car.
Charles admits he’s a geek – he is irresistibly drawn to gadgets. His vehicle has every conceivable add-on, some of which he demonstrated as he headed down Spring Bank West to pick up Stan.
“Google, telephone Stan Smith” said Charles as we turned into Stan’s street. Actually, the call was unnecessary as Stanley was already at the door waiting for us, but I was still impressed.
The journey to York University was without incident. Indeed, such were the features on Charles’ Citroȅn Aircross that he could have sat back and dozed, the built-in automatic steering, sign recognition and autobraking rendered a driver unnecessary. Apart from one occasion at the Fulford Roundabout where a mad motorist suddenly weaved in front of us (and I learned more Scottish swear words than I thought had existed), we enjoyed a relaxed drive, debouching at the University in a conveniently close parking spot, and we ambled to the Central Hall in good time.
The campus in the May sunshine was a delight to the eye. York University, however, is probably the only educational establishment in the country where the walkways and outdoor benches are covered in goose shit.
“It even makes Scarborough look good,” murmured David Gylliat of Sykes Lodge 1040.
There are lots of wildfowl, the greylags, barnacle and lesser snow-geese vying with the pintails, grebes and pochards in fertilising the area along with the swans and feral pigeons. They are also exasperatingly vocal. Whoever designated the term Mute Swans was obviously deaf. I wondered how such good-looking creatures could make such ugly sounds as I listened to the background of whoops, screeches and asthmatic chuckles. One unseen avian in the rushes made a hideous coughing noise like the expectorations of a sixty-a-day smoker.
I decided to forgo the hidden mysteries of Nature for the time being and made my way into the Central Hall which sits elegantly on the side of the lake. Already the place was filling up with Freemasons, all with black cases. Some people were already putting on their Chapter regalia. I took a snapshot of Stan and Chas before we went upstairs to take our seats.
The practice of holding the Chapter and Craft Convocations on the same day enabled those who wanted to attend both to do so without having to make two journeys. It also allowed Freemasons who only wished to attend one event to spend half a day there, with or without lunch. Charles, Stan and I were there for both gatherings; Worshipful Brother Phil Watts turned up for lunch and the afternoon session.
The morning’s meeting was admirable: the red-collared Provincial Stewards exercised a military proficiency and everything went like clockwork.
While it has been good to attend Convocations at the York Racecourse, there’s something rather grand about the University venue with its steeply raked seats and impressive auditorium by the elegant lakeside. As a shorty who can’t see over people’s heads I approve, and don’t really mind having to scrape my shoes clean afterwards. I like York Uni.
It was a good idea to have the Companions in place early as it took a while for them all to find their seats and settle. But they were ready for the processionals which began at 9.45, as the Stewards escorted distinguished Excellent Companions and honoured guests to the raised stage. It was spectacular, all present wearing the distinctive colourful regalia and sashes of the Order. Meanwhile Companion Nick Page, (soon to be appointed as Provincial Grand Chapter Organist) played the clavinova magnificently – a lovely selection of music including Ronald Binge’s Elizabethan Serenade and Sailing By; the latter can be heard just before the Shipping Broadcast every night on Radio Four. I wasn’t the only one enjoying the music, either – Charles’ face lit up when he recognised a Scottish favourite. Fortunately Stan and I managed to stop him bursting into song.
Just before the top of the hour, a Companion staggered in, panting, and struggled up the stairs. I moved over to give him a place next to me. “Sorry, sorry,” he muttered, trying to catch his breath. “I went to the Race Course by mistake.” I smiled. “I heard a rumour that one of the visiting rulers went to the wrong university,” I said. “At least, you’re here now. Relax.”
The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent with his team of Provincial leaders entered, with the Provincial Grand Chapter Sword Bearer, Excellent Companion Steve Hastings proudly leading the way. "Another Humber Chapter Companion," I said to myself.
I’ll not detail the business – the programmes were distributed online to everyone and I have no doubt that an account will soon appear on the Provincial website - except to mention that the Most Excellent Superintendent apologised: he was suffering from a chest infection and therefore would not come down to invest all his appointed officers personally. I believe there had been a Plan B where the Deputy Grand Superintendent, E Comp Jonathan Mark Mitchell Smith would have presided, but this was not needed. Jono and the Second and Third Grand Principals were reappointed. The meeting concluded with the collection of alms and the singing of the national anthem, and the outgoing procession was magnificent.
I had declined the invitation to dine with the officialdom at the Galleria restaurant at the University, Stanley and Charles joined some of the Humber Brethren at table 29, and Charles thoughtfully persuaded someone to take a snapshot which he sent to me during lunch (Gadget Geek) but through some administrative error, the meal was delayed by an hour. None of the diners were very happy about this. Clockwise round the table from eight o’ cock on the picture are Stan Smith, Phil Watts, Richard East, his father Mike, Ian Syddall, Steve Hastings and Charles Alexander. The Easts are from Thesaurus Lodge, but they were very welcome nonetheless.
Oblivious to this, I had taken my pack-up sandwiches and joined my friend Garry Millett from Thesaurus Lodge 3891 on a bench in the sunshine that was relatively free of avian droppings. We immediately became the centre of attention of a gaggle of geese and a battling of ducks. “It’s your fault,” I said, “they’re coming after the Millet.” Garry ignored the feeble pun. “Persistent, aren’t they?” he said. There were discreet warning signs advising that the birds should not be fed, but the fowl creatures were either illiterate or simply rude. I tackled Garry with the conundrum. “What’s the difference between ignorance and indifference?” I asked him. “I don’t know and I don’t care,” he said, flapping his hands at a bird that was trying to get hold of his lunch box. “Duck off,” he told it. I think that’s what he said. He obviously made himself understood, for it waddled away with affronted dignity.
Satisfactorily fed and watered, I wrote up these notes, then wandered over to the restaurant to photograph the diners. I’m not sure they all enjoyed their meal as much as I’d enjoyed mine, but at least they weren’t hungry anymore. I asked Phil why he looked grumpy on the photograph. "I thought I wasn't in shot," he explained. "Grumpy is my normal expression."
The delayed lunch had a knock-on effect on the afternoon’s gathering. Once again, the Brethren (they’re called Companions in the Chapter, Brethren in the Craft) were required to take their places before the Craft Convocation proper began. The Provincial Grand Assistant Director of Ceremonies apologised to everybody for the delay and recognised that some people with trains to catch or on a hired coach might have to leave before the end, in which case, would they do so discretely. Once again the pre-ceremonial procession was a paradigm of dignity, though a couple of Brethren reminded me of the waddling geese. The massed blue and gold - and the impressive line-up of white aprons (for the first time, Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts were permitted to attend and were greeted with acclamation when they stood to be recognised) added to the occasion.
The RWPGM included an extra item on the agenda. The Whiteknights Yorkshire Blood Bikes, a charity that transports blood and samples for the NHS had a representative driver from their vital emergency service at the meeting. The Provincial Grand Master spoke of the invaluable work the bikers did out-of-hours, and the fine work done by various Lodges in support, while a new motorbike was being unveiled just outside the Central Hall. This incredible machine was shown on the screens inside, and the Brethren applauded as the RWPGM handed over the keys to the smiling Whiteknight driver.
Right Worshipful Brother Gillyon asked newly-made Companion Simon Rehill to speak to the Brethren about the Royal Arch Degree. Brother Rehill delivered an eloquent address. After reappointing VWBro David Chambers as his Deputy and W Bros Stubley, Johnson and Armbister as Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, mindful of the unexpected lateness of the hour and that some Brethren had other appointments to keep, the Provincial Grand Master gave his address at this earlier stage in the proceedings He spoke of the difficulties the Craft has experienced and overcome during the covid years and congratulated the Brethren. He then stunned the assembly by announcing that he had decided to retire, and that Very Worshipful Brother David Chambers would take over as Provincial Grand Master on 30th July. It was an emotional moment, and VWBro Chambers showed the enormous respect the Brethren have for Geoffrey by leading the singing of "For he's a jolly good fellow". The rafters rang, and the applause during the standing ovation was huge. I'm sure that others, like me, had tears in their eyes.
The appointment and promotion of the Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge then followed. W Bro Smedley was (again) congratulated on his Grand Rank, and Humber Brethren W Bros Stanley Smith and Philip Watts were both awarded the rank of Past Provincial Junior Grand Deacon.
Sitting among the Grand Lodge Officers I received some odd looks as I applauded heartily (some of them consider it infra dig to display approval) but I didn't care. "They're from the Premier Lodge in the Province," I said.
Congratulations to Ayton Lodge 9595 who won the award for outstanding services. This Lodge has become integral in the local community - in the words of W Bro Jonathan Smith, the submission "included the vast majority of the members rather than . . . one grafting individual." Other Lodges were commended - and some highly commended - for their community work, and Andrew Marvell Lodge received particular mention, which delighted W Bro Andrew Peach, the Andrew Marvell Charity Steward. I saw him afterwards, with a huge smile on his face. "Highly commended!" he said, "highly commended - we are going to get a certificate!" I was so pleased for Andrew - and the Lodge - for I know how hard Andrew has worked for the local community (see the Charity page) and I have no doubt he will have something to say on this website when he returns from holiday.
Further details of the convocation will of course appear in due time in the Provincial Year Book, but I have written enough, I think, for this blog. The ride back was smooth, (I suspect Stanley nodded off in the back) and despite having done nothing all day I was tired.
But before closing, let me thank Stan and Chas for their excellent company - and to Andrew Peach for sharing his elation! It was a pleasure to be with them. It was also good to be back among the Brethren at large - I'd missed York University.
And the geese.
Eddie Wildman, spectator.
An official report is available; please see
Friday 13th May 2022:
De La Pole Lodge 1605
I attended the regular monthly Lodge meeting which started at 6.30 p.m. The earlier start time was to allow for an early finish to proceedings so that Brethren attending the Craft and Chapter the following day in York could get away earlier.
The meeting was opened by Worshipful Master W Bro Ben Kelly. Due to a lower attendance of Lodge Officers there were a number of stand-ins; W Bro David Atkin acted as IPM, W Bro Grahame Deighton acted as DC and Lecture Master, Bro John Holmes was ADC, and W Bro Ray Platten was Senior Deacon.
The main business of the meeting was the passing of Bro Mike Kelly, the youngest brother of the Worshipful Master..In attendance as a visitor was W Bro James Ashby-Kelly, the brother of the Worshipful Master and of Bro Mike Kelly, who is the Worshipful Master of Holderness Lodge 3563 and also the Provincial Liaison Officer for Andrew Marvell Lodge.
Bro Graham Thornalley as Junior Deacon conducted Bro Mike Kelly around the Lodge room throughout the ceremony. He also delivered the Secrets. Bro Thornalley thoroughly deserved the praise and round of applause he was to receive at the Festive Board for his professionalism in his dual roles.
After the passing ceremony, a Master Mason's certificate was presented to Bro John Constable by Grand Lodge Officer W Bro Eddie Wildman. Earlier W Bro Eddie had asked the Brethren what the significance of the tassles was in the four corners of the Masonic carpet in the Lodge room. He later provided the answer.
As a member of the Lodge, I responded to a request to become one of three Lodge representatives on the management committee of Beverley Road Masonic Hall.
The Festive Board consisted of a two course meal, which was nonetheless substantial. There was the usual friendliness and good humour associated with Festive Boards. Two toasts were given.
The Lodge will be looking to hold an initiation at its June meeting.
Both Lodge members and visitors enjoyed the evening which provided an early finish at just after 9.00 p.m.
[Photograph of John Constable and the Kelly Brothers by Graham Deighton]
Malcolm Forbes WM
Tuesday 10th May 2022:
Founders Night at Humber Lodge
Traditionally, the tables are set up with purple candles for Founders Night; as the dining room was occupied by a private let during the day the Brethren rallied round at 5:40 setting up the tables and chairs, laying the tablecloths and distributing the plants, the candleabra and the Humber placemats. The bar staff organised the place settings while the Brethren were upstairs - it looked impressive.
It was a busy evening; as the WM had given his apologies that afternoon W Bro Eddie Wildman took the Chair.
W Bro Richard Smedley came in on a report and an escort was organised to welcome him into the Lodge, he having received Grand Lodge Honours in both Craft and Chapter (see Humber blog entry for 28th April.) The Acting WM (also an Officer of UGLE) welcomed Richard and congratulated him on behalf of all the Brethren.
W Bro Smedley then resumed his office as Senior Warden (the place having been filled by the ADC, Bro Charles Alexander in the interim.) Eddie then passed Bro Robert Parkinson to the degree of a Fellowcraft Freemason. Robert had learnt the answers to the necessary questions superbly, and the ceremony proceeded smoothly. Then followed a moving eulogy by the Lodge Almoner, W Bro David Terry, speaking about the late Brother Arthur Sharp (details on the Humber website: Celebrations and Regrets page).
The next item on the agenda was W Bro Winston Pannett receiving his certificate for sixty years' service to Freemasonry. In his informal nterview he spoke about his National Service where he had enjoyed being a radar operator in the wilds of Scotland at the height of the Cold War period, and undertaken many sporting activities including shooting and tennis. At eighty-five he is still surprisingly fit! The Brethren learned of his subsequent meteoric rise in retail and his forming his own business in Hull in addition to his Masonic career. (He had joined the Whitwell Lodge 2104 in Durham as a Lewis in 1961, just after being married, and progressed through every office, becoming WM in 1974. Moving to Hull in 1976 he joined the Humber Lodge 57, where he held various offices over the years, including that of Treasurer for twenty-seven years. He spoke wistfully of being a Steward "in the old days" and exhorted the younger Brethren to aplly themselves to the Craft: "You'll only get out of it what you put into it.")
Included in the greetings I gave a warm reply as the Worshipful Master of Andrew Marvell Lodge, congratulating acting WM Eddie Wildman and his team of Officers for all the work that had been put in at the meeting..
After the Lodge closed, the Brethren hied downstairs to the Festive Board to discover that a "Congratulations" helium balloon had been attached to the SW's chair. There were ten visitors including a delegation from Pelham Pillar Lodge in Grimsby. The ADC rattled through the first five toasts in jig time, and then the toast to the Founders was submitted. This took the form of a PowerPoint presentation, the slides managed by Masonic Researcher Neil Armstrong. His picture of himself in a space suit raised an appreciative chuckle. The presentation, which explained that the spiritual founders of the Humber Lodge are remembered in this annual ceremonial, made mention of the links of the Humber 57 to its daughter Lodge,
Pelham Pillar, and the embezzlement of the funds collected for the setting up of this enterprise by the dastardly William Cooper Robinson, one time WM of the Humber Lodge. For this reason, a bag of money is ritually exchanged between the Lodges (see 2nd December 2021 on this blog page.) This took place during the Senior Warden's toast to the visitors, and the Pelham Pillar WM, W Bro William Franklin Ewers, gave an eloquent response.
The raffle raised £115 and the Brethren left shortly after ten o' clock, humming the chorus to the closing song "Happy to Meet Again."
Malcolm Forbes, Charity Steward
[Photograph of Bros Parkinson, Wildman, Pannett and Smedley by Neil Armstrong.}
Thursday 5th May 2022:
Attendance at Constitutional Lodge 294
I attended the regular monthly Lodge meeting in my capacity as a member of the Lodge. I arrived at 6.0 pm for the meeting which tyled at 6.30 pm.
Worshipful Master W Bro Travis Plumridge opened the meeting. He was ably supported by his Officers throughout the meeting.
The main business of the meeting was to raise Bro Hedley Wilson to the sublime degree of a Master Mason. W Bro Martin Rowland stood in as Senior Deacon for the third degree ceremony. Visitor W Bro Roger Lewis, a member of Beverlonian Lodge 9084, delivered the Retrospect. Altogether two visitors were in attendance.
Following the raising ceremony, the Lodge reports were delivered.
Under any other Masonic business W Bro Keith Charlesworth addressed the Brethren on the need to have a PSA test for prostate cancer as early detection of the disease can save lives. Those attending the Annual Convocation in York on 14th May were invited to pre-book a PSA test which will be provided for Brethren who have booked up in advance.
W Bro Gavin Collinson, the Lodge Secretary, informed the Brethren of a forthcoming Lodge Committee meeting which will include discussion of bringing forward the next regular Lodge meeting to 31st May as the normal meeting day of 2nd June will be a Public Holiday.
At the Festive Board I was in good company as I was sat alongside Roger Lewis and W Bro Brian Gent, a country member of Constitutional Lodge, and opposite Bro Karl Douglas, a former member of Andrew Marvell Lodge, who joined Constitutional Lodge in 2021. The food was wholesome and substantial.
Ony two toasts were submitted.
There was a good array of raffle prizes.
The Festive Board concluded just after 10.0 p.m. Everyone had been made to feel welcome throughout the evening.
Malcolm Forbes WM
Tuesday 3rd May 2022:
Talk to members of the Rotary Club of Humberside
As a member of the Club Council of the Rotary Club of Humberside, which meets at the Willerby Park Mercure Hotel for weekly lunches, I attended a Club Council meeting to hear a talk given by W Bro Mike Roberts, a member of Old Hymerian Lodge 6885 and Myton Lodge 9808, and trustee of the Masonic Charitable Foundation. Mike is also a member of the Rotary Club of Humberside.
The theme of the talk was how the approach Freemasonry has to attracting potential members and retaining them could benefit the Rotary organisation.
Mike outlined the work done at Provincial level to help and support Lodges in promoting Freemasonry and attracting candidates. Structures are in place to identify appropriate Lodges for individuals who may wish to join Freemasonry. The importance of the Lodge website, the Lodge profile and the role of the Lodge Membership Officer were all highlighted. The role of the Provincial Liaison Officer as a conduit between Province and individual Lodges was also emphasised.
Rotarians present recognised that there needs to be leadership within the Rotary organisation at District level if the problems which individual Rotary Clubs are facing with an ageing and declining memberhip are to be overcome. Publicity of its activities needs to further strenghtened.
There was an interesting question and answer session following the talk as Rotarians asked pertinent questions about what attracts individuals to Freemasonry, its ethos and the work of Freemasonry, particularly in its charitable causes within the community.
The general consensus amongst those present was that while Freemasonry had been proactive in tackling recruitment / retention of its members much could be learned at Club and District level to deal with the same issues.
Mike was warmly thanked for his presentation and the ideas he had put forward.
Malcolm Forbes WM
Friday 29th April 2022:
De La Pole Mark Lodge 329 Installation
I attended the Installation meeting in my capacity as a member of the Lodge. On arrival light refreshments were generously provided. The meeting started at 6.0 p.m.
W Bro Simon Ramshaw opened the meeting. The Lodge was honoured by the presence of the Assistant Provincial Grand Master Very Worshipful Brother David Jennings and a strong accompanying Provincial team.
W Bro Peter Clark was installed into the WM's Chair. I was re-installed as Treasurer and installed as Almoner, an Office I am familiar with as I am also Almoner for De La Pole Lodge 1605 in the craft. Bro Frank Loveley replaced me as Charity Steward. Frank was also installed as Senior Warden. W Bro Mike Bastiman, a member of the Provincial visiting team, was installed as Junior Warden. W Bro Chris Lefevre, the Senior Warden in Andrew Marvell Lodge, was installed as Chaplain.
The ceremony and ritual drew praise from everyone in attendance and reflected the hard work that had been put in by members of the Lodge. The Director of Ceremonies W Bro Paul Greenwood ensured that everyone was at ease. WM Peter Clark thanked everyone collectively for the high standards which had been manifested throughout the meeting. The efforts of the IPM Simon Ramshaw in upholding the traditions of the Lodge during the lockdown period were well recognised.
I was honoured by being invited to sit on the top table at the Festive Board. The dining room was full with over forty members and visitors dining. Eight toasts were submitted/proposed. There was much goodwill and repartee amongst the Brethren. The raffle raised £170 and donations to the Almoner's Fund totalled £42.45.
The Lodge will continue to thrive thanks to the commitment of its Lodge Officers and members.
Malcolm Forbes WM
Thursday 28th April 2022:
Eddie meets Probus
The Masonic Hall at 69 Beverley Road is not entirely devoted to Freemasonry; there are outside lets and other functions which are mentioned elsewhere on this website. One such was the Albemarle Probus Club President's evening where members of various local Probus organisations with their wives, partners, friends, etc. met for a social gathering, under the Presidency of Chris Lefevre, who wore a different, non-Masonic collar. and opened and closed the festivities with typical aplomb. I had been invited as a guest of Malcolm Forbes and enjoyed the company of him and ladies and gentlemen with Probus connections during a delicious meal, and was delighted to show the Beverley Road Lodge Room to interested non-masons, though Bro Ian Montgomery was there and other familiar faces as well. Some of the ladies in particular asked sensible questions: "Why does the Worshipful Master have a Square?" and it is always a pleasure to walk round the Lodge pointing out items such as the Lightowler shields and the magnificent mural on the east wall. (Click here for details on this website.) We were then delightfully entertained by a guitarist, Robin Taylor, who sang songs from the 50s to the 70s - it was a nostalgic evening, and I was happy to be there without the pressure of delivering ritual - and I take the opportunity to thank Malcolm for the invitation. It is good to observe that now the duress of covid and lock-down are diminished the Masonic Hall is again considered for social functions.
Eddie Wildman
Monday 25th April 2022:
Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642
I arrived at Beverley Road at 5.30 p.m. an hour before the Lodge meeting was due to start. It gave me time to talk to the candidate for the first degree ceremony, Nigel Henry, who was an even earlier arrival at the Lodge. Any last minute nerves were hopefully quelled by myself, as his proposer, and W Bro Colin Shields, as his seconder.
The Lodge was duly opened at 6.30 p.m. Altogether there were twenty-one Brethren in attendance, including two Brothers from Lord Heneage Lodge 5979 in the Province of Lincolnshire. W Bros Ian Giles and Ed Giles have known the candidate for some twenty-six years. Also present was W Bro James Ashby-Kelly, the WM of Holderness Lodge,3563, in his capacity as the Lodge's Provincial Liaison Officer, and he took his seat on the dais.
The Director of Ceremonies welcomed the Grand Lodge Officer present at the meeting, W Bro Eddie Wildman.
The initiation ceremony was the first the Lodge had held since the national Covid-19 lockdown in March 2020. A number of stand-ins took part; W Bro Andrew Peach acted as Chaplain, W Bro Barry Kensett acted as Tyler, Bro Chris Wright delivered the address at the North-East Corner and W Bro Eddie Wildman delivered the Antient Charge.
The candidate was conducted round the Lodge room by Bro Chris Wright, the Junior Deacon.
Following the ceremony, the Lodge accounts for 2020-21 were approved.
Lodge reports were then delivered. W Bro Eddie Wildman expressed his recognition for the conscientiousness of Charity Steward W Bro Andrew Peach, a view which the WM was pleased to endorse.
Bro Nigel Henry was then readmitted into the Lodge room and took his seat amongst the Brethren.
Greetings were given and acknowledged.
The meeting was then duly closed.
The Festive Board was a very convivial affair. The reconfiguration of the tables with the WM sat at the end nearest the kitchen and flanked by Brethren either side of him with the Wardens sat at the end of tables nearest the entrance to the dining room seemed to work well as no one had their back to anyone during the meal.
The traditional toasts were given. In the toast to the Candidate the WM acting as Bro Henry's proposer remarked how fortunate it was that having visited Lord Heneage Lodge in December 2021 he was able to make contact with him following a conversation with W Bro Ian Giles. Bro Henry delivered a most appropriate response to his toast.
The firing glasses tradition took place and the Entered Apprentice's Song was sung. The WM was pleased to accept Bro Henry into the Lodge.
The response to the visitors toast was given by W Bro Ed Giles. He particularly praised the delivery of the Antient Charge from W Bro Eddie Wildman which was the best piece of ritual he said he had seen in forty years of Freemasonry. The WM acknowledged Eddie's achievement in delivering such ritual so meticulously as he had only a few weeks to learn it.
After the Parting Toast was delivered by the WM it was time to reflect with Bro Henry on an evening which meant so much to him and the Lodge. Bro Henry will have the opportunity to witness another first degree ceremony which the Andrew Marvell Lodge will be holding at its next meeting on 23rd May.
[Photograph of Bro Henry and W Bro Forbes by Eddie Wildman; Photograph of Malcolm Frobes presenting Nigel Henry with a signed summons and his Masonic Welcome Pack during the afterproceedings by W Bro Barry Kensett, Lodge Mentor.]
Malcolm Forbes WM
Friday 22nd April 2022:
Wyke Millennium Chapter 9696
I attended the Wyke Millennium Daylight Chapter for its Installation meeting which began at 11.00 am at the Masonic Hall, Beverley Road, Hull.
The First Principal, E Comp Andrew Hoggard opened the meeting with E Comp Craig Maurier as Second Principal or Haggai and myself as Third Principal or Joshua.
After the Opening the Provincial Director of Ceremonies, E Comp Paul Cooper, a Companion of Londesborough Chapter 734, introduced E Comp Gavin Collinson, a Companion of Constitutional Chapter 294, as Provincial representative of the Provincial Grand Superintendent. I know Gavin well as in 2019 I visited the USA with him and members of Constitutional Lodge 294 on a tour of Masonic Lodges in Washington and Boston. I subsequently became a member of Constitutional Lodge.
I installed E Comp Steven Ives into the Office of Joshua. Craig Maurier as the newly installed First Principal installed me into the Office of Haggai.
The ritual is Domatic and differs from Humber ritual used for example in Humber Chapter 57. The Installation ritual was also different to my Installation as Haggai in Humber Chapter on 7th April 2022 as it was not necessary to undertake a long ceremony to proclaim me as H in Wyke Millennium Chapter.
I was grateful to E Comp John Stebbings as Director of Ceremnies for his support in the ceremony.
The Installation of other Chapter Officers took place after the Installation of the three Principals.
There was a relaxed atmosphere in the meeting. No visitors apart from the representatives from Province attended the meeting.
We sat down to the Festive Board at 12.30 p.m. As the bar was not open dining Steward Louis Morgan used his ingenuity to purchase three bottles of wine. As H I sat between the two Provincial representatives. Conversation with E Comp Paul Cooper turned to our mutual love of cricket and our experiences as umpires in local cricket leagues.
With the dining tables being in the form of a rectangle it was possible to talk easily to other Companions across the table and there was much lighthearted conversation.
E Comp Gavin Collinson in his reply to the Companions provided encouraging words to the Chapter.
Everyone enjoyed the meeting and Festive Board.
Malcolm Forbes (H)
Thursday 14th April 2022:
Visit to Thesaurus Lodge 3891
I visited Thesaurus Lodge both in my capacity as Worshipful Master of Andrew Marvell Lodge and Charity Steward of Humber Lodge 57 to hear a talk from W Bro Ian Syddall, the Provincial Grand Charity Steward and fellow member of Humber Lodge. I arrived at Dagger Lane at 6.0 p.m. for the start of the Lodge meeting at 6.30 p.m. I was able to talk to the Lodge Brethren before the meeting and had a good conversation with Worshipful Master W Bro Steve Burns.
After the Opening of the meeting the Director of Ceremonies W Bro Richard East welcomed Grand Lodge Officer Eddie Wildman. Also in attendance was the Assistant Provincial Grand Master W Bro Ian Johnson as a member of Thesaurus Lodge.
A ballot took place for a joining member W Bro Nigel Bell which was successful.
Following Almoner Richard East's report W Bro John Watson with much emotion thanked the Almoner and the Lodge for the support he had recently received.
Following the Lodge reports Ian Syddall gave a talk on Province and local charities in which he outlined the processes which enable Lodge Charity Stewards to obtain extra financial support from Province for charities which Lodges support. Ian's enthusiasm and commitment was very apparent.
I gave greetings on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge with fellow Lodge member, Adrian Hayward, who is both Chaplain of Andrew Marvell Lodge and Thesaurus Lodge and Eddie Wildman. Eddie gave greetings on behalf of Humber Lodge in the company of Ian Syddall and myself.
At the Festive Board there was much fun. The toasts included the visitors toast which I was pleased to respond to. I had previously given such a response at the Lodge's Installation meeting in March so I tried to avoid any repetition when addressing the Brethren. .
Worshipful Master Steve Burns indicated that he is looking to attend the next Andrew Marvell Lodge meeting on 25th April along with other members of his Lodge. I was very grateful for the flowers that were offered to me as a visitor.
The Lodge has a couple of potential joining members as well as the potential for new members. It will build on its strengths and as Worshipful Masters Steve and I are keen to build on the close historical ties of Thesaurus Lodge and Andrew Marvell Lodge.
Malcolm Forbes WM
Wednesday 13th April 2022:
Visit to the Lodge of St Andrew 4683
I paid my regular monthly visit to the Lodge of St Andrew for its regular Lodge meeting.
Before the meeting I talked to W Bro Cyril " Sid " Cook who has recently recovered from a bout of ill-health and was his usual amusing self. I would later sit next to him at the Festive Board.
All the Lodge Brethren welcomed me before the meeting started at 7.0 p.m. Worshipful Master Matthew Owen opened the Lodge. Bro Andrew Peter Lennard-White was invested as Assistant Director of Ceremonies.
A ballot took place for Mr Philip Beadle which was successful. The initiation ceremony for Mr Beadl then took place.
The delivery of the ritual was highly impressive with the Worshipful Master particularly excelling in maintaining the high standards of the Lodge. Lecture Master W Bro Brian Daragon was virtually redundant.
Following the first degree ceremony, the Lodge reports were delivered.
i was one of two visitors present at the meeting. Bro Tom Baxter, a member of Beverlonian Lodge 9084 also attended. We both gave greetings from our respective Lodges. On behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge I congratulated the Worshipful Master and his team for the excellence in which the first degree ceremony had been delivered.
The Festive Board as usual provided both high quality food and company with much humour adding to the enjoyment of the occasion.The passing of the port was an added bonus The toast to the candidate was proposed by Bro James Billaney The Entered Apprentice's song was sung with much gusto. As there were only two visitors the visitors toast was dispensed with.
The Lodge is clearly a healthy and vibrant Lodge with younger Brethren in Office and a succession of candidates joining the Lodge. It maintains a friendly atmosphere welcoming its visitors with open arms. As a regular visitor to the Lodge I appreciate its bonhomie as well as the maintenance of high standards in its delivery of ritual.
Malcolm Forbes WM
Tuesday 12th April 2022:
Tyling at Humber Lodge 57
In the unexpected absence of the regular Humber Lodge Tyler I agreed to fill this Office. The Tyler was not the only absentee; there were several stand-ins, including W Bro Eddie Wildman, who took the Chair as the current Worshipful Master was indisposed. All offices were swiftly filled, however, and I was given the role of Outer Guard.
The Lodge at Dagger Lane was nonetheless well attended; there were a dozen visitors, many from the Phoenix Lodge 9963. This was because the business of the evening was the Passing of Brother Alistair Kenyon-Brodie to the Degree of a Fellow-Craft Freemason. Alistair is a member of the Phoenix Lodge, and it is their practice to build bridges with other Lodges by inviting them to advance their Entered Apprentices to the Second Degree, thus giving them the opportunity to experience a more traditional environment than the Sailmakers' Arms in the High Street of Old Hull, where the Phoenix Lodge meets in an upper room. (It might be argued that the latter is also traditional, as early Freemasonry invariably took place in taverns.)
I was invited in, briefly, in my capacity as Humber Charity Steward to give my report. I mentioned I still had a few Teddy Bear Lapel Badges for sale, supporting Children in Hospital - the donation of a cuddly Teddy Bear to a child on their arrival is found to be remarkably effective in bringing comfort and reducing trauma - and should any reader require a badge, please contact me!) I then retired, while Alistair was tested in the questions requiring entry into the Second Degree, after which the Entered Apprentices left the Lodge and Alistair was entrusted with the password to gain reentry. He then retired to prepare himself whilst the Lodge was raised to the Second Degree.
I did not see the ceremony, of course, but congratulated Alistair when he left the Lodge Room again to restore himself to his personal comforts, and called him and the Entered Apprentices to re-enter when the Lodge was lowered back to the First Degree.
At the Festive Board the atmosphere of conviviality continued. Twenty-eight year old Alistair ably responded to the toast to himself and the Phoenix Lodge Brethren, thanking them and his other Masonic colleagues for being there, and thanking Eddie Wildman "Worshipful Brother Godfather" for presiding over the ceremony. His father, Peter Kenyon-Brodie, also a member of Phoenix Lodge 9963, responded to the toast to the visitors, remarking that thirty years ago he too had been initiated, passed and raised at Dagger Lane.
As Tyler, it was my duty to give the Parting Toast at 9.30 p.m., the evening having proceeded with happy alacrity. It was also my pleasure to close the meeting with the traditional words:
Happy have we met,
Happy have we been;
Happy do we part,
Happy meet again.
Malcolm Forbes, Tyler
Saturday 9th April 2022:
Visit to Lord Bolton Lodge 3263
I visited Lord Bolton Lodge for their regular monthly Lodge meeting, arriving in time to chat to Brethren and their wives for the opening of the Lodge at 6.0 p.m.
The meeting was opened by Worshipful Master W Bro John Stebbings. Following a report which the Inner Guard attended to the Provincial Director of Ceremonies W Bro Neil Armstrong, a member of Kingston Lodge 1010, announced that the Representative of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, W Bro Edddie Wildman, was at the door of the Lodge and requested admission. An escort of Lodge Brethren accompanied Eddie into the Lodge.
The WM welcomed Eddie, who in turn greeted the WM and the Brethren.The main business of the meeting was a first degree ceremony for candidate Anthony Holland Stephenson. It is good to see smaller Lodges such as Lord Bolton initiating new members. It was a well conducted ceremony.
After the Lodge reports were presented Bro Stephenson was readmitted to the Lodge room.
At the Festive Board the full toast list was delivered after a very satisfying meal. W Bro Eddie Wildman departed his seat next to the WM after he had delivered the response to the toast to the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master so that he could provide the musical accompaniment to the Entered Apprentice's Song and Absent Brethren Song.
I responded on behalf of the toast to the visitors and expressed my pleasure at the warmth of the welcome the visitors had received. Lord Bolton is building on its strenghts as a very friendly Lodge to visit and as WM of Andrew Marvell Lodge I hope to work closely with the Lodge for our mutual benefit.
At the conclusion of the evening there was satisfaction at an an evening well spent.
Malcolm Forbes WM
Friday 8th April 2022:
Eddie Wildman's visit to de la Pole Lodge 1605
I was grateful for the prompt finish to the evening, though all of us had enjoyed the de la Pole Lodge meeting at Beverley Road. De la Pole Lodge 1605 is named after the first Mayor of Hull, Sir William de la Pole, Lord of Myton and of Holderness, who held the position from 1332 - 1335. It is of note that Myton Lodge 9808 and Holderness Lodge 3563 both meet at 69 Beverley Road, along with Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642. The marble statue of Andrew Marvell next to the minster, incidentally, is by the same sculptor responsible for the statue of Sir William de la Pole in Nelson Street, (pictured) William Day Keyworth Junior.
I had the pleasure of presenting a Grand Lodge Certificate to Bro Rob Borkowski on this occasion, and with the help of W Bro Neil Armstrong, gave the short lecture Hansel and Gretel in the Freemasons Lodge examining the connections with this ancient folk-tale and the Craft degrees; there was no other ceremony. Greetings were given from Brethren of Kingston Lodge 1010, Technical Lodge, and Humber 57. Malcolm Forbes as a member of several Lodges as well as being WM of the Andrew Marvell Lodge, was up and down like a yoyo. The Festive Board was equally brief, and as W Bro Atkinson, WM of the Technical Lodge 5666 remarked: "Only two toasts? We'll be home in time for Coronation Street!" I observed that the last time I had Coronation Street, Ena Sharples was a leading character. The younger Brethren looked puzzled, not having heard the name. The WM, Ben Kelly submitted the loyal toast and that to the Grand Master with alacrity, drew the raffle (which I again failed to win) and bade us all good night. William de la Pole would have been proud of him.
The reason for the early finish was that the following morning the building was needed for the Consecration of a new Lodge, and there was much to do in preparation, not least by Luke Pyrah the Chef, still busy in the kitchen. Some of us would be at that meeting, and I, as one of them, looked forward to an early night so as to be fresh for the morrow. (Watch this space.)
Eddie Wildman
Thursday 7th March 2022:
Humber Chapter 57
I attended the Installation meeting of Humber Chapter 57 at Dagger Lane Masonic Hall. As the Installation meeting was due to start at 6.0 p.m. I arrived at 5.0 p.m. to see if I could help with the preparations for the meeting.
The meeting was opened by E Comp Michael Potts, the outgoing Z. E Comps Stanley Smith as H and Malcolm Forbes as J assisted him in the Opening. E Comp Potts welcomed the visitors before the M Excellent Grand Superintendent Excellent Comp Jeffrey Gillyon, the Deputy Grand Superintendent Excellent Comp Jonathan Smith and the rest of the Provincial team were admitted. The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent greeted the Chapter.
The Installation saw E Comp Stanley Smith invested as Z, E Comp Malcolm Forbes (me) invested as H and E Comp Richard Smedley invested as J. I was very grateful to the Director of Ceremonies, E Comp Terry Fisher for conducting me in the Lodge room.
After the Installation of the three Principals, E Comp Smith invested his Officers. I stood down as Chapter Charity Steward in favour of the Provincial Grand Charity Steward E Comp Ian Syddall.
Due to a number of absences it was not possible to invest all the Officers. Stand-ins acted as Sojourners with E Comp Trevor Whitfield acting as Principal Sojourner and visitors E Comps Malcolm Brocklesby and Paul Robinson,from Techniical Chapter 5666 acting as Assistant Sojourners.
Following the Installation, the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent presented a 50 year certificate to E Comp Winston Pannett recognising his membership of Humber Chapter. Winston entertained the Chapter with his life story and his career in the Chapter.
Following the greetings the meeting was duly closed.
The Festive Board provided lavish fayre. There were eleven toasts. In response to the fourth toast to the M. Excellent Grand Superintendent, Excellent Comp Jeffrey Gillyon highlighted the need to address the problems facing Chapter Masonry in terms of declining membership and the need to attract Companions from Craft Lodges.
E Comp Philip Daniels sang the Principals Song accompanied by E Comp Eddie Wildman.
The "raffle" raised £142.50 from donations at the Festive Board. This sum will attract gift-aid. Four raffle prizes, including a presentation case of a bottle of vodka very generously donated by E Comp David Terry were won.
Following the parting toast from the MEZ everyone departed on their journies home in good humour after a most enjoyable evening.
[Photograph L to R: Most Excellent Grand Superintendent Jeffrey Gillyon; "H" Malcolm Forbes; "Z" Stanley Smith; "J" Richard Smedley by Eddie Wildman]
Malcolm Forbes WM
Wednesday 6th March 2022:
Visit to Kingston Lodge 1010
I visited Kingston Lodge for their annual white table evening where wives, partners and friends were invited to attend. The evening attracted good support with over thirty people attending.
A short Lodge meeting opened at 6.30 pm with Worshipful Master Michael Price in the Chair. Two Grand Lodge Officers W Bro Derek Broderick and W Bro Eddie Wildman were duly acknowledged by the Brethren. The WM indicated that the Lodge would soon be holding an initiation ceremony and asked Brethren to attend future LOIs in preparation for the first degree ceremony.
Greetings from visiting Lodges were duly given. W Bro David Terry, the Lodge's Provincial Liaison Officer, gave greetings from Humber Lodge 57 with W Bro Eddie Wildman and myself rising with David on behalf of the Lodge. I gave greetings on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge with Eddie as an honourary member of the Lodge in support.
Once the Lodge meeting was closed guests were invited into the Lodge room to hear a talk from W Bro Neil Armstrong (pictured) on the history of Kingston-upon-Hull and Kingston Lodge. The talk traced the history of Hull from the grant of its first Royal Charter in 1299. The history of the Lodge, which was founded in 1864, was interwoven into the history of the city. Neil amply illustrated his presentation by accompanying slides with much clarity and authority. The applause at the end of the talk was well merited.
The Festive Board was set out with four tables for those attending the meal. I sat on the same table as the WM, Grand Lodge Officer W Bro Derek Broderick, the Director of Ceremonies, the Junior Warden, and their guests. The three course meal was waitress served. The discussion topics were many and varied and I was able to discuss with Wayne, who sat next to me, our common legal background, albeit mine in academia and his in legal practice specialising in medical negligence.
Only two toasts were submitted; one to the Queen and one to the Grand Master.
A raffle was held for Hull Sea Cadets which raised £125.
It was a most enjoyable evening with Masons and non-Masons enjoying each other's company.
Malcolm Forbes WM
Monday 4th March 2022:
Visit to the Lodge of St Michael 7833
I visited the Lodge of St Michael for their annual Preceptor's Festival. This is equivalent to a Lodge of Instruction Open Night when the new team of Lodge Officers enact a first degree ceremony, so that they are familiar with performing the ritual once they assume Office. Due to the national lockdown it had not been possible to hold the Preceptor's Festival since 2019.
Formal Lodge attire was not a requirement of attendance so no aprons, collars or gloves were worn during the meeting. Some members chose to wear casual clothing.
The Lodge meeting was opened in the traditional form with Bro Peter Stokes as Worshipful Master. Three visitors including myself were welcomed.
Current Worshipful Master W Bro John Watkins acted as the Candidate in the Initiation ceremony. The Officers distinguished themselves in the delivery of the Emulation ritual, which differs from that of Humber. At the Festive Board the Preceptor (Lecture Master) Jackie Chapman singled out Senior Warden Bro Adrian Thompson for his delivery of the ritual at the North-East Corner. Bro John Burton as Junior Deacon provided a masterclass in delivering the presentation of the first degree Tracing Board.
I stood as a member of Humber Lodge 57 along with W Bro Eddie Wildman as greetings were given on behalf of the Lodge by W Bro Trevor Whitfield. I gave greetings on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge and commended the high standard of ritual which had been displayed.
Once the ceremony had been completed W Bro John Watkins sat alongside Bro Peter Stokes who remained in the Chair to close the Lodge.
At the Festive Board I sat between W Bro Eddie Wildman and W Bro Peter Barnes. Despite my inclination to help out as a steward I was persuaded to remain in my seat throughout the Festive Board. The three course meal was most acceptable. The traditional toasts were submitted and proposed with toasts also being given to the acting WM and the Candidate. The response to the visitors toast was given by W Bro Graham Reed, a member of Hull Old Grammarians' Lodge 5129.
A hearty rendition of the Entered Apprentice Song took place as well as a rendition of Auld Lang Syne.
A raffle took place before the acting WM delivered his parish notes. W Bro Peter Wright gave the Tyler's toast.
The evening reflected the hard work that had been put in by Lodge Officers and the Preceptor, W Bro Jackie Chapman PPGReg. It had been a pleasure to attend.
Malcolm Forbes WM
Saturday 2nd March 2022:
KT Ladies Festival
The annual provincial Knights Templar Ladies Festival took place at Fulford Golf Club. The 2022 Ladies Festival was held under the banner of Humber Preceptory 223. Humber Preceptory is holding its centenary celebratory meeting on 16th June 2022.
I attended the evening with the Preceptory's Chaplain Eminent Knight Eddie Wildman who gave me invaluable advice on our drive to Fulford on the format of the evening and the presentation of the Ladies Toast which it was my honour to propose as Second Constable in the Preceptory. As Treasurer I had also been entrusted with providing raffle prizes on behalf of the Preceptory.
Members of Humber Preceptory and their ladies sat together: altogether there were ten people at the table. The restaurant was full with the attendance higher than it had been at the last Ladies Festival which took place in March 2020 prior to lockdown.The Director of Ceremonies Chris Thomas welcomed everyone as they took their seats. The three course meal proved satisfying as did the company. From a personal point of view it was very helpful to meet Jim Costello, the Provincial Priory Treasurer, who has provided considerable support in my role as Treasurer of the Preceptory.
The musical entertainment for the evening was provided by the vocalist Melissa Jane who entertained the audience with popular songs.
The loyal toast to the Queen was submitted by the Provincial Prior R E Knight Tim Dillon. The Ladies Toast was proposed by Bro Kt Malcolm Forbes. The response was given by Wendy Richardson, Eminent Knight Mark Richardson's wife. Mark gave presentations of flowers on behalf of Humber Preceptory.
The raffle was well supported with £417 being raised and given to the Provincial Priory Treasurer for charitable purposes. Raffle prizes had been donated by individual members of the Preceptory as well as a generous donation of £100 to buy raffle prizes from an individual member of the Preceptory.
Proceedings came to a close at 10.30 p.m. after a most enjoyable evening.
Malcolm Forbes
Monday 28th March 2022:
Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642
As Worshipful Master I attended the Lodge for its monthly Lodge meeting and annual Charity Night. The Lodge's Charity Night is an annual event where representatives from three local charities give short presentations on the work of their charities which the Lodge has pledged to support.
Altogether twenty-six Lodge Brethren, visitors from other Lodges, wives and partners, and guests attending on behalf of their charity were in attendance. Unfortunately, the Lodge's Charity Steward, W Bro Andrew Peach was unable to attend due to a positive Covid-19 test.
Before the Lodge meeting W Bro Eddie Wildman took photographs of the Worshipful Master, the Senior Warden, W Bro Chris Lefevre and the Junior Warden, Bro Ian Fuller; these are now on the Welcome Page. "Look straight ahead, Worshipful Master," Eddie said, "so as not to show so many chins." (See what I have to put up with as Master!)
After the formal opening of the Lodge and the approval of the minutes of the February meeting a successful joint ballot took place for two candidates: Mr Stuart Richardson for initiation and Bro Robin Hardie as a joining member.
Lodge Almoner Chris Lefevre reported on Bro Peter Atkinson, who is in hospital following a stroke. The Lodge sends its best wishes and hopes for a full recovery.
The Worshipful Master introduced W Bro James Ashby-Kelly, the Worshipful Master of Holderness Lodge 3563, who has recently been appointed the Lodge's Provincial Liaison Officer. James addressed the Brethren on the role of the PLO. The Lodge intends to work closely with James to promote the wellbeing of the Andrew Marvell Lodge and its members.
After the closure of the meeting group photographs were taken of the Lodge Brethren and Lodge visitors in the Lodge room for publication on the Lodge's website.
Following a short break we went into the dining room to hear the presentations from the representatives of the three charities which the Lodge is supporting this year. For a full account of the presentations the Charity page of the Lodge website contains comprehensive details.
As it was an informal white table Festive Board Lodge Brethren and visitors sat together on four tables. An excellent meal wa provided by Luke, the chef. The Worshipful Master was pleased to serve the meal along with other Lodge Brethren. No toasts apart from the parting toast were given. The raffle raised £80.
The Worshipful Master thanked everyone for making the evening a special occasion.
W Bro Eddie Wildman delivered the parting toast with customary elan.
It was a most enjoyable night.
[Photographs of Malcolm Forbes and James Ashby-Kelly by Eddie Wildman]
Malcolm Forbes WM
Friday 25th March 2022:
Visit to Myton Lodge 9808
I visited the Myton daylight Lodge for a lunchtime Lodge meeting as a member and Lodge Treasurer.
Ladies are invited to attend the Festive Board as guests. Consequently there is always a very sociable atmosphere preceding the meeting as Lodge members and their guests socialise over tea, coffee and biscuits .
Apart from the Installation meeting in January,, Lodge business is relatively short. W Bro Chris Harland, the Worshipful Master, welcomed joining members Geof Withers from Lord Bolton Lodge 3263 and Sefton Bennett from Kingston Lodge 1010.
W Bro Phil Harrison, having been unable to attend the installation meeting, was installed as Tyler and Lodge Membership Officer.
Lodge Charity Steward, W Bro Marcus Whereat announced that a collection would be taken at the Festive Board in support of the MCF Ukraine appeal. £204 was raised. That sum will be augmented by gift aid.
The Treasurer gave a brief report on the Lodge finances.
The Lodge's new Provincial Liaison Officer, WBro Chris Lefevre, who is also the Senior Warden of Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642, gave a brief introduction of his role as PLO and how he will be able to help the Lodge.
The meeting concluded after half an hour.
Thurty-one people (including visitors and wives) attended the Festive Board and were treated to a fine buffet and cold sweet from Luke, the chef. Only two toasts were given.
A feature of the Myton Lodge Festive Board is that it incorporates a talk given by an outside speaker. The title of today's contribution was Burton Constable Hall - A Brief History by Christine Watson. Unfortunately it was not possible for the talk to be supplemented by any graphics due to a problem with the projector. Nonetheless it went ahead without any background pictures.and proved both informative and entertaining.
After a good Lodge meeting, Festive Board and talk everyone left in the afternoon sunshine having enjoyed a most convivial time together. The Lodge only convenes four times each year so it will not be until 22nd July that it meets again.
Malcolm Forbes WM
Wednesday 23rd March 2022:
Eddie Wildman visits the Chapter of St Andrew 4683
Despite the late hour of starting (the summons reads 7.00 pm) and the amount of work to be done, the Chapter of St Andrew 4683 performed a swift moving but meaningful ceremony under the watchful eyes of the three Principals, Excellent Companion Michael Graham PGStBtaking the Chair of the Most Excellent Zerubbabel, Excellent Companion Roy Newton that of Haggai and Excellent Companion Daniel Betts (installed that evening) that of Joshua.
After Companion Ian Montgomery set the scene, the two Candidates for Royal Arch Freemasonry, Brothers William Charlton and Robert Thirsk were admitted and answered the necessary questions to show their proficiency in the third degree. Excellent Companion Brian Daragon PPGSwdB conducted them through the ceremony.
I shall not dilate on the details of the beautiful and colourful working, which while removed from that of the Craft is nonetheless a completion of the first three degrees. Their obligations completed, William and Robert retired for preparation while Companion Montgomery explained the disposition of the Sanhedrin; the Candidates returned as Sojourners to present themselves. A further explanation clarified the passage of events leading to the rewards received by the Sojourners following their remarkable discovery. E Comp Daragon brilliantly narrated the circumstances as Principal Sojourner, bringing the story alive.
The Secrets were communicated by the Scribe E, Excellent Companion Ian Sugarman PAGDC, E Comp Roy Newton explained what was expected of Companions Charlton and Thirsk in an eloquent peroration from the dais, and E Comp Mike Graham presented a Royal Arch jewel to each along with the by-laws, congratulating them on achieving admission into the sublime degree,
Companion Malcolm Forbes gave greetings from the Humber Chapter 57 before everyone went below to a sumpteous Festive Board.
[Photograph of Comps Charlton, Daragon and Thirsk by Comp Matt Owen]
Eddie Wildman PPGScN
Saturday 12th March 2022:
Visit to Lord Bolton Lodge 3263
I visited Lord Bolton Lodge at Beverley Road Masonic Hall arriving early for the 6.00 pm start time for the meeting. I was in good company with visitors from ten sister Lodges attending. W Bro John Towler and W Bro Colin Shields also attended on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge. W Bro Chris Lefevre, the Immediate Past Master of Lord Bolton Lodge 3263, and Senior Warden of Andrew Marvell Lodge, was also in attendance, as was W Bro Eddie Wildman, our Guest Organist.
Due to the indisposition of Worshipful Master John Stebbings, W Bro Andrew Hoggard stood in as WM. After the singing of the opening hymn the Brethren greeted Grand Lodge Officer W Bro Eddie Wildman.
A successful ballot took place for a candidate who was proposed by W Bro Mike Crossman and seconded by W Bro Andrew Hoggard.
Following a notice of motion at the February Lodge meeting, a proposition was approved to alter the meeting dates of the Lodge.
The meeting was then called off to allow a presentation to be given by the Daggards entitled 'Column of Mutual Defence and Support - are our Lodges Going Down the Plughole?' presented by W Bros Eddie Wildman and Neil Armstrong, ably assisted by W Bro Craig Maurier. The presentation looked at the issues and problems facing Lodges and other Masonic Orders which meet at Beverley Road Masonic Hall. The central theme of the presentation was the need for Lodges to work together in support of each other in forming a joint approach to the problems facing us. Lodges should form a column of mutual defence and support by better communication with each other, hosting joint events, and encouraging visiting to other Lodges.
After the entertaining talk a lively and constructive discussion took place on how the issues raised in the talk could be resolved.
After W Bro Michael Price gave greetings on behalf of Kingston Lodge 1010, I gave greetings on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge. I also stood as greetings were given by Eddie Wildman on behalf of Humber Lodge 57 and W Bro Jimmie Kerr on behalf of De La Pole Lodge 1605.
The Festive Board provided a selection of Indian curries prepared by Luke, the chef. A good natured discussion took place around the Festive Board on the way forward to ensure that Lodges can survive and prosper. WM Andrew Hoggard thanked the Daggards for their presentation which was both stimulating and enjoyable.
As Worshipful Master and Lodge Membership Officer of Andrew Marvell Lodge, I wholeheartedly embrace the concept of mutual support and look forward to working with other Lodges in furtherance of this ideal.
Malcolm Forbes WM
Friday 11th March 2022:
Visit to De La Pole Lodge 1605
I attended my mother Lodge as Almoner. I arrived early at Beverley Road Masonic Hall and had the opportunity to talk to Bro. John Holmes who had returned home from Ukraine in advance of his wife Liliya who was able to fly home on 4th March. All the Brethren were delighted to see John.
The Lodge meeting started at 6.45 p.m. rather than the usual 7:00. It was good to welcome back W. Bro. David Atkin who had not been able to attend Lodge meetings recently due to ill-health.
The main business of the meeting was to receive a presentation on the Members Pathway delivered by W. Bro. Jimmie Kerr and W. Bro. Russ Garbutt. I had particular interest in the talk as I am the Lodge Membership Officer of Andrew Marvell Lodge. It was emphasised that all Brethren have a responsibility to ensure the growth of the Lodge through recruitment and engagement of members. Worshipful Master Ben Kelly thanked Jimmie and Russ for their talk, which was warmly received by the audience.
In the light of Bro. Graham Thornalley's recent raising to the degree of a Master Mason, W. Bro, Eddie Wildman presented Graham with his Grand Lodge certificate. W. Bro. Peter Spencer then provided Graham with an outline of the Chapter or Holy Royal Arch as a Masonic Order.
In acknowledgment of the work that Ian Fuller's wife Sue had put in behind the bar until her recent departure the Almoner undertook to present flowers to Sue on behalf of the Lodge.
Following the Almoner's brief verbal report John Holmes gave an account of the problems he and Liliya had been facing in Ukraine before being able to return to Hull. John thanked the Brethren for all the continuing support they had received throughout the difficulties they had faced.
A proposition made by Jimmy Kerr and seconded by John Holmes to propose a candidate for initiation was passed.
At the request of Worshipful Master I gave greetings as Worshipful Master of Andrew Marvell Lodge.
Brethren at the Festive Board tucked into fish, chips and mushy peas cooked by Luke, the chef. There were twenty four diners.
As always at De La Pole Lodge it was a most enjoyable evening.
Malcolm Forbes WM
Thursday 10th March 2022:
Visit to Thesaurus Lodge Installation - Lodge 3891
I visited the Thesaurus Lodge Installation meeting at Dagger Lane Masonic Hall at the personal invitation of the Worshipful Master-elect Steve Burns.
On arrival at 4.45 p.m. refreshments in the form of tea/coffee and biscuits were provided for those attending the meeting. It provided a social aperitif to the Installation which started at 5,30 p.m.
In addition to Lodge members in attendance there were fifteen visitors present from eleven sister Lodges. The visitors included a strong Provincial team accompanying the Assistant Provincial Grand Master W Bro Allan Ramsay Armbrister. Assistant Provincial Grand Master W Bro Ian Johnson, a member of Thesaurus Lodge, was also in attendance.
The meeting was opened by outgoing Worshipful Master W Bro Garry Millett who installed W Bro Steve Burns into the Chair. The ceremony was conducted with distinction and authority and deserved high praise. The Address to the Master was given by W Bro Ian Johnson, that to the Wardens was delivered by W Bro Eddie Wildman in his inimitable style, and the Address to the Brethren was delivered by W Bro Richard Smedley, also from Humber Lodge. Richard was kept busy as he then sang the Masonic Anthem after delivering his Address. It was good to see the participation of 'light blues' i.e. non-Provincial Officers , in the delivery of ritual.
After the Installation ceremony had been completed, W Bro Ian Johnson presented a personal warrant of authority in relation to his Office of Assistant Provincial Grand Master to W Bro Allan Ramsay Armbrister.
The Festive Board downstairs provided a sumptuous meal and excellent company. As I had agreed to respond on behalf of the visitors I was sat next to Senior Warden Malcolm Dale, alongside Eddie Wildman and opposite Richard Smedley. There were ten toasts. The Festive Board lived up to its name as there was much good humour and mirth.
In my response to the visitors toast I thanked everyone on behalf of the visitors for making the evening such a special occasion. As Thesaurus Lodge is the mother Lodge of Andrew Marvell Lodge the two Lodges share a close relationship which WM Steve Burns and I discussed before the meeting and which we hope to build upon during our respective periods of Office in the Chair.
I enjoyed a thoroughly pleasant evening in the presence of very distinguished company.
Malcolm Forbes WM
Wednesday 9th March 2022:
Visit to the Lodge of St Andrew 4683
I attended the Lodge's Installation at Beverley Road Masonic Hall. The start time was 6.30 p.m.
An early arrival meant that i was able to have a chat with Lodge members and visitors prior to the meeting. I have always received a warm welcome whenever I have visited the Lodge and tonight was no exception.
At the start of the meeting i sat alongside two other WMS on the dais; James Ashby-Kelly from Holderness Lodge 3563 and Michael Price from Kingston Lodge 1010.
The visiting Provincial team was headed by W. Bro. Chris Thomas, Past Grand Standard Bearer, representing the PGM.
The outgoing WM Eddie Brook set the standard for the night with his delivery throughout the night being flawless. The DC Robert Jackson also excelled. Every participant in the Installation warranted fulsome praise.
The newly installed Worshipful Master Matthew Owen equally rose to the occasion. Ceremonies of such a high standard take one's breath away. Worshipful Brother Philip Daniels sang the Master's Song accompanied by Worshipful Brother Eddie Wildman. Eddie had previously delivered the Address to the Master with supreme majesty. Worshipful Brother Brian Daragon delivered the Address to the Wardens with much dexterity.
It was good to see the participation of Entered Apprentices in the ceremony.
All the visitors who gave greetings marvelled at the standard of the ceremony. A number of visitors had attended from Lancashire.
The Festive Board downstairs matched the standard of the Installation meeting. A full dining room enjoyed fine food and company. Ten toasts were given. Again Philip Daniels provided a virtuoso performance in the two songs that he sung.
The visitors response was given by Michael Price.
To top the evening off I won a bottle of wine in the raffle.
It is hard to think of a better Installation meeting with everyone in awe of the standards achieved.
[Photograph of Matthew Owen and Eddie Brooks by Eddie Wildman]
Malcolm Forbes WM
Tuesday 8th March 2022:
Visit to Humber Lodge
I attended Humber Lodge 57 as a member of the Lodge and the Charity Steward.
Although no formal ceremony took place it was a busy night.
The Lodge was honoured by the presence of two Grand Lodge Officers, Bill Burnett and Eddie Wildman. As the main business of the evening was to hear a talk after the meeting in the dining room downstairs from Worshipful Brother Eddie Wildman PGOrg/PPGScN entitled Hansel and Gretel in a Freemasons Lodge, the meeting was relatively short.
After the Almoner delivered his report, the Charity Steward addressed the Brethen in relation to the Ukraine Crisis Appeal which UGLE is undertaking. Brethren were encouraged to make individual donations which would be supported by gift-aid. Eddie Wildman pledged £100 on behalf of the Daggards to support the appeal. A proposition was also passed to allow the Lodge to top up the appeal from Lodge funds. The sale of tickets for the Provincial Lottery was deferred to the April meeting.
Wearing my hat as WM of Andrew Marvell Lodge I gave greetings on behalf of L 5642.
The talk downstairs by W Bro Eddie Wildman accompanied by W Bro Richard Smedley was a captivating insight into the Brothers Grimm and their storytelling. The allegorical references in relation to the story of Hansel and Gretel permeating into Freemasonry were fascinating and thought-provoking. The breadth of research and knowledge of the subject-matter of the talk were outstanding.
At the Festive Board I sat next to a visitor, W Bro Anthony Keith Schofield, WM of Brough Lodge 5464 who is also a member of Humber Chapter and we discussed current events, while avoiding political discussion which is, of course, forbidden in a Masonic context.
The money collected for the Ukraine Crisis Appeal totalled £810 with some incredibly generous donations being made.
As always the Lodge provided a thoroughly entertaining evening. In addition to the fun and entertinment the money raised showed how generous the Brethren of the Lodge are.
Malcolm Forbes WM
Visit to Denison Lodge 1248
It was an early start for my visit to the Installation meeting of Denison Lodge. The meeting was due to start at 10.30 a.m. and I arrived at outgoing WM Chris Harland's house in Hull at 8.30 a.m so that we could arrive in plenty of time. i was a guest of Chris so I was very grateful for the lift he gave me.
The Provincial team at the Installation of Kevin Debenham as WM and his team of Officers was headed by W Bro Ken Shaw ProvJGW representing the PGM. The ceremony was conducted with thoroughness and professionalism. Everyone was well prepared and the ceremony went very smoothly.
At the Festive Board there were ten toasts. Colin Mullander whose 90th birthday had been celebrated at Inquirimus Lodge of Installed Masters 8132 on 24th February (see earlier blog) gave the toast for the Absent Brethren. I responded to the toast for the visitors and thanked everyone for their warmth and hospitality.
Wives and partners of the Lodge Brethren attended a lunch at the Crescent Hotel in Scarborough and afterwards met up with us in the bar at the Masonic Hall for a drink together.
I arrived back in Hull with Chris and his wife Jackie at 4.45 p.m. after a very pleasant day out.
Malcolm Forbes WM
Visit to St John of Bridlington Lodge 4434
I arrived in the nick of time to take my seat at the Installation meeting which started at 4.00 pm.
A full Lodge room was boosted by the attendance of the Provincial team, which was headed by Worshipful Brother David Greendale PJGD, who was representing the PGM.
From the Provincial team Tony Randle, the Provincial Grand Membership Officer, came to sit alongside me. Tony had hosted a Zoom membership forum the night before, which I had attended as Lodge Membership Officer, so it was good to see him and compare notes.
The Installation ceremony was beyond reproach. The new WM, W Bro George Henry Beresford Dobson, is only twenty-nine years old and he brought great authority and enthusiasm to the Office. On a couple of occasions the Brethren applauded flawless pieces of ritual. Everyone who took part in the ceremony deserved the highest praise. Congratulations to W Bro Stuart Rollisson, now Immediate Past Master.
At the Festive Board I was the guest of Worshipful Brother Paul Cooper, the Treasurer of the Lodge. I sat alongside Paul and directly opposite to me at the Festive Board was a Brother who gave greetings from White Horse Lodge in Westbury in the Province of Wiltshire. Since I had lived in Wiltshire in the 1970s and early 1980s in the same area there was much to talk about.
The catering at the Festive Board was of a high standard. I even indulged in a glass of the port wine which was distributed to the Brethren. Twelve toasts followed; Tony Randle replied to the visitors toast.
At the end of the evening Paul Cooper invited me to attend the centenary celebration of the Lodge's formation which is being held at the September meeting and which will be attended by the PGM, Right Worshipful Brother Jeffrey Gillyon. I look forward to attending another splendid evening at the Lodge.
Malcolm Forbes WM
Meeting of Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642
The Lodge held its regular monthly Lodge meeting at Beverley Road Masonic Hall starting at 6.30 p.m. In addition to Lodge brethren seven brethren from sister Lodges attended the meeting.
After the Lodge was opened and a Portion of the Ancient Charges and a by-law of the Lodge were read out it was the pleasant duty of the Worshipful Master to install Barry Kensett as Lodge Mentor as he had been unable to attend the Proclamation meeting in January.
Barry stood in as Junior Warden. Other stand-ins were Andrew Peach as IPM, the WM as Chaplain and Ian Montgomery, a regular visitor from the Lodge of St Andrew, as Inner Guard.
Lodge Secretary John Towler read out a letter of thanks from Bill Glanville, the Provincial Grand Secretary, who had attended the Proclamation meeting in January as representative of the PGM.
A ballot took place for a candidate to join the Lodge. The ballot proved successful. It is hoped to initiate him on 25th April.
The main business of the meeting was to hear a talk on prostate cancer from Kevin Priestley, a member of Wilberforce Lodge. The hour long talk which was followed up by a question and answer session was most informative and enlightening. Five Lodge Almoners were present.
Lodge reports were then delivered. The Charity Steward outlined the plans for the Lodge's Charity Night on 28th March.
After the risings the WM proposed a candidate to join the Lodge and an unattached Mason as a joining member of the Lodge. Both propositions were duly seconded.
After the Lodge was closed group photographs were taken of Lodge Officers and visitors together.
At the Festive Board those present enjoyed good company and food. Only two toasts were formally submitted. In his parish notes the WM thanked everyone for making it such an enjoyable evening. Everyone parted with a smile on their face.
[Photograph by Eddie Wildman]
Malcolm Forbes WM
A visit to the Phoenix Lodge
Phoenix Lodge 9963 held its Installation meeting at Dagger Lane starting at 10.30 a.m. I got there early for a good seat.
The Lodge holds its regular Lodge meetings at the Sailmakers Arms in the Old Town but the Installation is the one occasion when the Lodge meets at Dagger Lane with a Festive Board to follow the meeting.
Phoenix Lodge and Andrew Marvell Lodge have close ties as the latter conducted a second degree ceremony on behalf of Phoenix Lodge at Andrew Marvell Lodge's regular Lodge meeting on 25th October 2021. It was good to meet up again with the outgoing Worhipful Master Ian Parkinson, who had delivered the Obligation on that evening, and Brother Starkey, who was passed to the second degree.
A strong Provincial team at the Installation formed the escort for the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, Alan Ramsey Armbrister who briefly took the Master's Chair to introduce his Active Provincial Officers.
The ceremony was delivered with poise and good humour. It was the first time I had seen the Worshipful Master wear a ceremonial hat during the proceedings in this country. Worshipful Brother Eddie Wildman explained the historical significance of the tricorne in terms of it bestowing authority in proceedings. When I visited the USA in 2019 on a Masonic visit I had seen Worshipful Masters wear top hats during meetings so the practice has been followed elsewhere.
The new Worshipful Master Richard East looked the part when he placed the tricorne on his head.
The Lodge is well supported, with candidates being proposed as a joining members after the Installation had been completed.
At the Festive Board downstairs the first four toasts were delivered before the food was served. There was a very convivial atmosphere befitting of a Lodge which prides itself on its social ambience. The food was excellent.
I had enjoyed an excellent time.
Malcolm Forbes WM.
[Photograph of W Bro Armbrister APGM and W Bro Richard East by Eddie Wildman]
A joyous visit to Inquirimus Lodge of Installed Masters
For the second consecutive Thursday I visited Filey to attend a Lodge meeting. Whereas the previous time had been to attend a meeting of Scarborough Castle Conclave in the Order of the Secret Monitor as a member of the Arch of Steel this time I attended Inquirimus Lodge of Installed Masters 8132.
There is no need to be a Worshipful Master to attend such a Lodge as a visitor although it is necessary to be a current or past Worshipful Master to become a member of the Lodge.
On the way to Filey I gave a lift to Worshipful Brother Eddie Wildman. Our destination must have been Distraction as he said I'd driven him to distraction.
Unlike the previous week I easily found the Lodge building in Rutland Street.
Although it was the first time I had attended the Lodge there were some familiar faces there that I knew. In the Lodge meeting I sat next to the Worshipful Mater of Portus Felix Lodge, whom I had met for the first time the previous week and who had invited me to attend a meeting of the latter in Filey. At this rate I could become domiciled in Filey.
The Worshipful Master, W Bro David Burnett, conducted the meeting with authority and good humour. The two highlights of the meeting were a presentation from Tony Dyer, the Area Membership Officer, and the celebration of Worshipful Brother Colin Mullender's 90th birthday.
As Lodge Membership Officer for Andrew Marvell Lodge I found the presentation on membership recruitment most informative.
The 90th birthday celebration was the first time that I had heard the song Happy Birthday sung during a Lodge meeting. It was also sung to our new nonagenarian at the Festive Board downstairs.
Several joining members were proposed as joining members of the Lodge. The Lodge boasts a very low joining fee which is something which other Lodges may look at in order to attract potential members.
At the Festive Board we were treated to an excellent two course meal for £12. I even indulged in a tincture of port which was passed round.
It was midnight when I got home but the evening had been had made the trip worthwhile.
Filey may become one of my regular ports of call on my Masonic voyage.
[Photograph of Colin Mullender and Bill Hamilton by Eddie Wildman]
Malcolm Forbes WM
Currying favour with Holderness Lodge
My latest Lodge visit took me to Holderness Lodge 3563, which holds its regular Lodge meetings at Beverley Road on the third Monday of every month. As well as the attraction of a third degree ceremony and the presentation of a fifty year Provincial certificate there was also the attraction of chef Luke’s curry night at the Festive Board.
Never wanting to be late I got to Beverley Road Masonic Hall for 5.30 pm, a full hour before the meeting. One can never judge the traffic in the city centre but tonight I sailed through (on my catamaran.)
The early arrival allowed me to catch up with Masonic colleagues who were also early birds.
It was particularly good to chat to Tom Lee from Humber Lodge who would later deliver the Retrospect.
There were a goodly number of visitors including a strong representation from Minerva Lodge.
The raising ceremony for Brother Atkinson was conducted with the utmost professionalism. My admiration was expressed to everyone taking part when asked to give greetings on behalf of the Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642. Another visitor gave greetings from a Lodge in Lanzarote whereas I contented myself with giving greetings on behalf of a Lodge in Costa Del Hull. Tom gave greetings on behalf of Humber Lodge 57.
After the raising ceremony Worshipful Brother Eddie Wildman presented a fifty year certificate to Worshipful Brother Robert Wallace, who was initiated in 1971. Bob is also a Companion of Humber Chapter. Bob and I shared an early childhood in Singapore although Bob did make it out to the Far East before I did.
At the Festive Board I sat with my fellow visitors from Minerva Lodge and Tom. We sat down to the choice of three curries. Those of us not on a diet including myself went up again for seconds. There were only two toasts so I didn’t have to hide in case I had to give the visitors toast.
I had no luck in the raffle. Que sera sera.
After the final toast in the true spirit of building a column of mutual support with other Lodges I gave a lift home to a member of Minerva Lodge who lives in Anlaby Common. He did reciprocate by promising to attend the next meeting of Andrew Marvell Lodge. If I give him a lift back next Monday after the meeting I might even be able to persuade him to attend the next meeting of Humber Lodge.
It was a very enjoyable evening. Holderness Lodge continues to flourish and I hope to visit again in the near future.
(For Eddie Wildman's comments please go to this date on the Humber Website.)
Malcolm Forbes, WM
[Photographs: Lee Atkinson and the WM James Ashby-Kelly; James Ashby-Kelly, Bob Wallace and Eddie Wildman, by C Wilson. The WM has forgotten his collar but we were all too polite to mention it.]